[color=goldenrod][h3]Courtney Cartwright[/h3][/color] And lo, by the sweet nature of childish wonder, did Justice Goldenrod feel the ailments of the ass alleviate at an astounding rate! With a smirk on her face the magical girl did bend a bit and smack her own posterior. [color=goldenrod]"Aaaaaah...."[/color], spoke out Justice Goldenrod as she reached towards her glasses. [color=goldenrod]"...Good as new!"[/color] Flicking her glasses up and down Justice Goldenrod reversed the transformation and returned into her civilian attire. Unfortunately the pants still needed to be mended as they did in fact still have the hole from the monster incident from earlier. But that wasn't the important thing right now. Striding over towards the hot chocolate machine, Courtney casually leaned against it before glancing among all the members. [color=goldenrod]"Only time I summon monsters is when I have to substitute for a colleague in Vice."[/color] Raising a finger she began to point around towards all in the base. [color=goldenrod]"That in mind, it's totes obvious what we, like, need to do. Sting operations and stake outs. Carefully watch 'em while we set out one of us as bait to attract, then if we can catch any sorta smarty one alive we can interrogate."[/color] Courtney clapped as she smiled from ear to ear. [color=goldenrod]"Who wants to be bait?!"[/color]