Without accounting for Holy Sites, a player receives Level+3 Might per Turn. Over two Turns they gain 2*Level+6 Might. If we are encouraging spending in Divinus Lite, then they should spend most of that. Since it takes 2*Level Might spent to Level up, a player should reliably level up every 2 Turns or less unless they save for a Holy Site (after which they'll Level up faster). Also, I've devised a system for determining the rewards from Hero quests. A quest starts out granting zero Khookies/Prestige. You then add to the reward some amount based on the risks faced by the Hero and consequences suffered. You also add amounts based on time taken and roleplaying elements such as collaboration. These criteria need to be as close to objective as reasonably possible, to minimise GM oversight. For example: The amount of Khookies/Prestige granted for completing a quest is increased by the following factors. [u]Risk factor[/u] (Risk factors do not stack; take the highest value one only if multiple apply.) - The Hero risked mild harm. (1 Khookies) - The Hero suffered mild harm. (2 Khookies) - The Hero risked moderate harm. (4 Khookies) - The Hero suffered moderate harm. (8 Khookies) - The Hero risked severe harm. (6 Khookies) - The Hero suffered severe harm. (12 Khookies) <> If no risk factors apply, a Hero can not gain any Khookies from the quest. [u]Other factors[/u] - The Hero collaborated with characters from other players to complete the quest. (+5 Khookies) - The quest took more than one post of continued effort to complete. (+2 Khookies) - The quest took more than one Turn of continued effort to complete. (+8 Khookies) Costs can be adjusted and new factors added. This is just a sample. Note that this system will likely provide different rewards for different Heroes. If the quest is to 'Protect a village from a horde of Ashlings', then a powerful combat Hero like Ventus might receive little or no reward from such a quest, while a less strong Hero like Belvast could receive significant rewards for the quest. Also, where we say that a quest can be completed multiple times, add in the phrase "if it makes sense to do so." Quests such as 'Protect a village from a horde of Ashlings' or 'Convert a group of people to Chirality' makes sense to be repeated. A quest like 'Kill Grot' or 'Gather Death's Shards under the World Mountain' can only be completed once. Also, I support the idea raised by Termite of changing the name of Khookies to Prestige. With the quest system, this makes extra sense. Of course, if Kho is running the place, he might be inclined to keep the pun. P.S. I have been assuming that Might spent carries over Turns when it comes to levelling up. It would be counter-productive not to. Also, remember in your expenditure tables that gaining Portfolios and Domains also does not count. I think we should also omit Might spent to Level Up Heroes from the list of activities which contribute to your Level.