Serena raised an eyebrow at Ryria's glare and subsequent icy bluntness. Great. Another abrasive personality with an arrogance complex. Just when she thought she had already met her fill of them in the galaxy. [color=hotpink]"Oh, you're right. I forgot that Asari have eyes in the back of their heads and that they can focus those eyes to detect the slightest dust rising of a predator whose every fiber is designed to be stealthy while she focuses on a fire fight right in front her while trying to support her allies in the middle of said fire fight. My bad."[/color] Sarcasm dripped off of every word, a fire to push back the ice. [color=hotpink]"History is littered with the bodies of people who didn't take precautions because they 'were able to handle themselves'. The drone will stay if things get hot. As for the other two, I can only help them when things do get dangerous."[/color] She merely chuckled at Hazan's irritation. He'd get over it. [color=hotpink]"Don't worry Haze. We'll let you lead to the rendezvous with them. It'll be-"[/color] She suddenly cut off as an SoS popped off onto her omni-tool. It was generic, but legitimate. It certainly wasn't the scientists. They're SoS would have been specific and tailored to them. So who sent it? Serena widened her signal to catch any replies or repeats. When she caught the reply, it made her blood chill. It was close to the original initiative. Just close enough to make any civilians or anyone desperate accept it and make themselves vulnerable. Vulnerable to be taken, or killed even. She was just about to make a message to Tazen when the EMP went off. She cursed as her shields fizzled and Del hit the ground with a thump. She was luck Sarah was so high up. The little bot would have been destroyed by the fall if the EMP had hit her. Chaos erupted as Tazen and Dex took out a squad of Kett, and Fireteam 1 attacked. She moved quickly over and picked up Del, rebooting the drone as she went. She snorted as Dex's voice echoed over the comm. [color=hotpink]"Next time give me a warning, yeah? Nearly broke Del. Haze take up lead. You're the best at finding a path so we won't get shot."[/color] She released Del as the robot reset itself, flying into the air with a solid beep. [color=hotpink]"Del, [i]Tres Amigos[/i]"[/color] The drone beeped again, splitting into three. [color=hotpink]"One of you stay behind Ryria and watch her six for wraith's and other enemies. The other two float around Haze and I, help us keep clear."[/color] The drones beeped, and took their respective places. Serena followed Haze as he led the way to the rendezvous with Tazen and Dex Valkyrie raised and ready.