With the battle well under way, Naryxa got to attention; "I can hold this barrier for as long as you need it at full strength but I can't do anything else so you'll have to-" She was cut off by the EMP detonation, the sudden commotion upscuttled her to say the least. "Never mind, looks like I have incoming" she finished, eyes drawn to motions in the sand coming full speed towards her - with 3 powerful shots from her trusty Phalanx, she had eliminated the threat, the body of the wraith appeared at her feet in a cloud of dust. Some kind of disgusting pet of the Kett. Now wasn't the time to inspect the steaming corpse, there were more incoming - with another clear round of shots she took another two of them down, and was able to push forward - staying under the cover of the crates that surrounded the lab. Her breath calm, her mind clear. All of a sudden, a string of bullets tore through the crate to the left of her and disintegrated it like it was paper - she had to move. This was going to get her on Firu and Kargard's ass for sure. With ease, the Asari sprung in a backwards fashion up into the air, pushing herself backwards with grace into a backflip, avoiding a second spray of bullets from a Kett that was about to eat some bullets from Sabinus anyway. When she touched down onto the sand, she found herself a good distance from where she started, stood right beside Firuzeh. Upon touchdown, she activated her biotic barrier - the purple bubble surrounded herself and Firuzeh and powered them up amongst the violent onslaught. "If we move quickly enough I can whack that Fiend with a Shockwave but between that and the barrier I'll be spent and will need to high tail out of there, but that will be the in that you and the Krogan need. Your choice if you want to take it." She could see that the battle wasn't going to subside too soon - they were all in this for the long haul and she already began to wonder if plowing through her biotics right now was the best choice... But another round of fire from her Phalanx into a final wraith reminded her that she was a weapon - with or without them. She could recharge, and by the looks of things she had a pretty serious team around her.