[center][hr][h3][color=00a651]Nathan Negromante[/color][/h3] [code]Locations: The Negromante Manor, Common Room at Marchand [/code][/center] [hr] [hider=The Family House] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/94/17/99/9417994c14cc9bde90e870bfb2e68e0d.jpg[/img] [/hider] Nathan Cornelius Negromante had always loved the natural world and everything that came with it. He loved the feeling of seeing something living considering his magics involved death in all its forms. Most people expected the necromancer to be a grim and dark kind of person. They expected him to see the living world as some sort of abomination or that he needed to worship the goddess of death or something. They expected Nate to be wearing eyeliner and enough white make-up, so he would look like a demented mime walking around with corpses behind him. Everyone yet everyone had views on who he was. People had so many different imaged of who or what Nathan Negromante was supposed to be. The general stereotype was that his family were baby killing cannibals. That they would break into villages with their armies of ghosts and zombies dragging the peasants away for their foul and unholy magics. According to rumors, the Negromantes would use these innocent peasants and add them to the ranks of their hellish crusades. That might have been the truth once upon a time, but they had changed a long time ago. The cheerful cannibal rumor had started when children had started to go missing in the village where the Negromante's lived near. Since it was easier to blame the local necromancers rather than investigate, they were believed to be the ones killing the children. Nate's ancestor had discovered that it was, in fact, a local blood mage. The Mage in question had gone mental believing that the blood of infants was all he could use for his powers. The Blood Mage had died but the cheerful rumor towards the Negromante Family lived on. They had been one of the Council families for close to half a century, but they still were seen as the magical equivalent of the Adams Family. They were most certainly creepy and most certainly kooky. No matter what they did, it was difficult for them to remove their stigma about being so creepy. Then there was Nate. If anyone had sterotypes around them, then it was Nathan Negromante. To most people, Nathan was bizarre for a family of bizarre Mages. Most of his family were masters when it came to controlling ghosts and spirits. His Uncle used to be able to control an army of ghosts during the War before he died from a Cultist ambush. Nate had been named after him, but he had not gotten his Uncle's skill with ghosts. His family usually could see and command ghosts by the time that they were six years old. Nate couldn't see them until he was at least ten. However useless as his skill at using ghosts was, Nate was a great physical necromancer. That was not a big deal when your family used ghosts more than corpses. So, Nate was desperate to come to this school, so he could be like his family. Nate was the third son and most people saw him as the Spare Heir. He knew that the gossips all talked about the bizarre Negromante who couldn't even talk to ghosts without feeling exhausted. He couldn't use his family's main ability without looking like he was about to blow chunks. His family was known for having strange habits involving the heir to the council seat. It usually was chosen from the male relatives of the current head. That meant Nate and his two brothers were the options for being heir. That thought led him back to the utterly cheerful letter in his lap. His grandfather had given it to his drive Jean-Baptiste so that Nate could get it when he got close to Marchand. The letter was written with the old man's curt handwriting and Nate could almost hear him talking in his ears as he read the Happy Letter from Home. 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 Nate almost felt like crying from how warm and nice the letter was. For his family, this was positively cheerful. Nate knew that there was a chance that he could someday be the heir but he didn't want to be. There were all kinds of pressures involved with that and Nate didn't want or need that in his life. The family motto of Non Ducor, Duco (I am not Led, I lead.) was how Nate was supposed to live by. He never was supposed to be a follower but lead at whatever cost. Nate sighed as he got to the school. [color=00a651]" Merci, Jean-Baptiste. I hope to do this..."[/color] Nate says as he got out of the family Mercedes with his suit cases. Nate was not the type to demand help and he could carry his supplies and his clothing. Nate was not the type to travel with fifteen bags filled with clothing. All he needed was his organ jars and his books to truly be happy. Nate wandered through the school until he found his dorm room. Since he had no idea who he was rooming with so he just left his suitcases in the room before he wandered back into the hallway. As he walked, he could feel Fred manifesting next to him. The ghost had a nasty habit of showing up exactly when Nate didn't want or need him there. "[color=0072bc]You..... Cannnn.... Not... fail.... my.... mistress....[/color] The ghost whispered into his ears sounding like leaves being pushed by the breeze. Nate glared behind his shoulder as he walked into the room. To anyone other than a Necromancer, it would appear that Nate was talking to himself. "[color=00a651]Fred. I will not fail Mother. I am working on my incorporeal magics..."[/color] Nate said to the empty space behind his shoulder. It was then he noticed that he was not alone in the room. Everyone must have heard him babbling like a madman. Still he managed to to catch himself by smiling at the group present. He only recognized a few of the people from the Council "Let's all Pretend that We Can Stand Each other long enough to for dinner" parties. Grandfather had always told him to make friends with the right kind of person. Nate had seen Larke "I expect you to be friends with him" Sterling and Percy "Another Council Family I expect you to befriend" Pelacour at parties where he had been forced to go to. So there might have been hope for him. Nate grabbed a bagel and as he walked past the group, a cold wind seemed to follow him. Fred was furious and the cold was his way of showing it. Nate smiled at the group at the table. He recognized a few of them people but the two girls there were new to him. He smiled at the group while taking a seat near one end of the group. " [color=00a651] Hey, Percy. Hey, Larke. Good to see I'm not the only Council kid here Guessing you both got the "Weight of Your Family Name" Speech? "[/color] Nate said figuring that they had been told the exact same thing that he had. Nate looked over at the other people he didn't recognize and gave them his best smile. "[color=00a651] Oh... I don't believe we've met. I'm Nate. " [/color] Nate said trying for once to be confident and maybe for once have actual friends who were dead. That would make this school all the much better. He was expecting them all to get out the pitchforks and run him away. Most people didn't like talking to a guy who radiated cold like Nate did. He wanted for once to be liked for something other than he can summon the dead. [@ScoundrelQueen][@EchoicChamber][@Akayaofthemoon]