[@Lauder] 'tis a fool who calls Seihdhara a fool. Seihdhara has recruited FRETTZO of the WORLDBREAKING KICK. No strength, no armour, no might, NOT EVEN THE [b]PRIMORDIALS[/b], NOT EVEN [i][u][b]FATE[/b][/u][/i] can withstand FRETTZO'S kick. And Seihdhara trained under that guy, just so you know. Avulus never stood a chance, poor bloody boyo. IF HE CONTINUES TRYING TO CHALLENGE SEIHDHARA, SHE'LL FRETZKICK HIM SO HARD HE'LL travel through the Fabric of Creation, back into his mothers womb, back into the basic component parts that create an embryo, and right back into his mammy and pappy's hidey holes. DON'T CHALLENGE THE FRETTZKICK, AVULUS, JUST DON'T BOYO. It's for your own good T-T