[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAyYjY5ZC5UV0ZrWld4cGJtVWdUR1YyYVc1bC4xAAA,/beyond-wonderland.regular.png[/img] [hr][code]The Campsite - The Cabins[/code][/center][hr] It was unsettling how the campsite was silent, after all the screams, the only sound filling the void was the campfire, and even then it was almost snuffed out. Yet Madeline was sure that there were others that weren't attacked by Mr. Axe Murderer. Sure, it was stupid to leave the people in the infirmary with the deranged nurse, but she wouldn't be gone long. Atleast, Maddie hoped she wouldn't. The first place she thought of looking was the cabins, while she did think that maybe there were people hiding in the parking lot, that would be a bit too obvious. While the female cabins seemed fine, the male cabins were ramsacked. [Color=paleturquoise]"Yep, the beast was definetly here..."[/color] Madeline said to herself, looking at the broken door, but there was no sign of another kill inside, so that gave her a bit of hope. Keeping a tight grip on her umbrella's handle, she made her way to the boathouse. [hr][center][code]The Campsite - The Docks[/code][/center][hr] As luck may have it, there were a bunch of people there getting some boats ready for all them to escape. Maddie started walking to the group, when she noticed that two of the guys from the infirmary, the blue haired drunk(??), and a brunette haired girl were running to the rest of them... ...with "Jason 'Axe-Fucker' Voorhees" behind them. Great. Either in sheer stupidity, anger, or just starting to be tired of the corpse party, Madeline sprinted over and skid to a stop, standing between the axe murderer and the brunette. [Color=paleturquoise][i]"Yo, asshole! If you wanna kill everyone else here, you'll have to kill me first!!"[/i][/color] Madeline yelled at the beast, venom in her voice. She wasn't afraid to die, but she won't let more people get murdered without doing anything, not again.