[b][i]Faira fleetnet news[/i][/b] [i]Alliance?[/i] As of today’s cycle, the admiralty and Narix parliament have ratified the peace treaty we proposed. Our side has also proposed deeper integration, which the Narix partially approve of in the form of united military. The concrete form of this alliance will have yet to be decided, but it is a good step towards secure future for both species. [i]Further exploration[/i] The Patrol Fleet will make the jump to Opportunity the next cycle, transfer supplies to the Vanguard fleet and take over watch of the system. The Vanguard fleet along with elements of the Narix military will then translate the third jump node in Opportunity to continue exploration. The two fleets will engage in a sizeable officer exchange program to further both our military cooperation and to bring our two cultures close together. [i]Another way?[/i] Our scientists are investigating a subspace anomaly in the nebula. Details are not available at this point, but as a precaution, Admiral Sola has dispatched the Impervious and it’s battlegroup to investigate and secure the area of the anomaly. [b][i]Opportunity - Exodus jump node[/i][/b] The Curious has just arrived to the staging point, and Astra was ready to vibrate in the commander’s chair. What supplies were they going to need? The Curious did the most traveling and her tanks were still 95% full, more than enough to explore another system. She felt a pang of professional jealousy - Was the Explorer about to test some new technology that she wasn’t consulted on? Whatever it was, she would have to wait to see it through official channel. Still, the event that was about to unfold would be a sight to behold, because it was unlikely to happen soon in the future. “Open a line to the Lanatos.” She requested, so she could send her invitation. “Lanatos, Curious. Our Patrol Fleet is about to come through the node, and the Explorer and the Warden are going to be docking together. The officer exchange is then to be formalized and starten on the Curious. We are ready to receive you, if you would like to observe the maneuver.” She sent over, not knowing whether the Primarch was on his recharge. On board of the Explorer, the marines were scurrying around with equipment, as good half of the hangar bay was being cleaned up for the installation of the new production facilities. The admiral was reviewing the files sent to her from the Faira’Karte. Along with the rest of the trading, a few lessons about the use of strikecraft were learned. The new line would produce a heavier model of remote controlled plane, rather than the the AI controlled light drone. Cygnus wasn’t happy about having to dedicate personnel to flying these things, but the Narix promised a vast performance iintegration