[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180211/1647c465a13d0d34ec1b03134013514e.png[/img][/center] Liv smiled gently, glad that he seemed to be calming down and it was a positive indication that he wasn't mumbling 'no' on repeat anymore. She had actually known this little piece of information about bee hummingbirds but it was cute that he took her nickname for him since she had no real name to go by and popped out what was a little-known fact about birds. It would seem that either he liked birds or it was just one of those random facts that people know sometimes. It was followed by what most would think was a riddle that had no rhyme or reason but it was very clear to Liv what he was saying.[color=gray]"It is good to meet you, Skye."[/color]she said, before standing up from her somewhat crouched position. She turned her attention to the door, a curvaceous woman standing at the entrance and talked as though she was sweet as pie. It was usually people with something to hide or some who were a snake in the grass that talked like that but she was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. She didn't know anyone here and actions spoke louder than words. The new woman as at least trying to make the situation a little lighter by joking. It just made her not sure what to say and brought up what had happened to all of them. Why were they all even here? She would say innocent until proven guilty and go from there. Mags had already asked for her name so at least they could all introduce themselves again once the new stranger spoke up. It did make her wonder though...how many others were there? More just kept trickling in and that meant that whatever group had taken them was large or had a lot of influence to not get caught. It wasn't like she had heard of a string of kidnappings on the news but maybe they were all from completely different areas. Did any of them have anything in common? So far she didn't see it so maybe there wasn't any real pattern to it. As it was there were four women, including herself and two men which meant maybe there were two more men coming or maybe she was trying to look for things that weren't there. These kidnappers knew about Casey and her son....they knew where she would go which meant he son still was out there and possibly in danger. She knew that leaving here couldn't be so easy with everything they had done so far. Liv shook off her thoughts, not wanting to continue on that path as she would just end up panicking. It seemed like Skye was afraid of this new woman so she would just let him hide behind her and she would stand up for him.