Mitch did not, in fact, know what a Santora was. Moreover, she really only had the vaguest idea of what a necromancer was based on pop culture. It seemed to all be rather morbid, but Nolan seemed nice enough; though if he were wearing dark eyeliner, it was hardly as if she would have known. But she imagined that goth kids spoke... gothier. [color=#006666][b]“I'm sorry, but I don't know a lot about families,”[/b][/color] she replied, chasing a bit of egg around her plate. [color=#006666][b]“My mom told me they were important before I came, but... We kinda kept to ourselves. So, I'm sorry if I've missed anything important? And, I'm a rune user. Which I just thought was, like. Writing in some kind of specialized universal sourcecode, which I guess it kind of is, but...”[/b][/color] She slipped another piece of fruit to Apple and took a quick breath, catching herself mid-ramble. [color=#006666][b]“But the Mitch comes from Leila Michelle, because it's easier to convince programmers that you know what you're doing when your online alias is a 30 year old man. And it just kinda, like...”[/b][/color] Apple nudged her arm for another bite, which she obliged. A moment later, another voice came alongside them. [color=#006666][b]“Oh, I don't mind, if Nolan doesn't. But it was his plot first, so, you know-"[/b][/color] At the sound of a blood-boiling scream, Mitch released Apple's harness and ducked in the same moment. [color=#006666][b]“What's happening?”[/b][/color] she asked, covering her head with her hands in case something came flying. And Apple, for his part (and because he was such a good Apple,) leapt atop Mitch's hunched back, assessing the threat with a series of angry, forward-fronded cackles and raised wings. His two forelimbs sat squarely on Mitch's shoulder, and his tail barb was curled overhead, ready to attack anything that came for his bad-eyes, good-snacks friend. Because he was a good Apple, and good Apples looked out for their friends. [@prosaic][@lorellequips]