[center] Most people would say that dragons and people don't mix, and for the most part they would be right. That is until 20 years ago, when the small kingdom of Tur was being threatened by her enemies the Five Kings of Main. The Queen of Tur ordered her people to find a way to save the kingdom or risk enslavement and death by the invading armies. The people looked for a way to save their small beloved kingdom, but being a small kingdom left them with few options. The people suggested trading their surprisingly vast resources, but the Five Kings of Main were greedy and the Queen wasn't going to risk the beauty of her land for the never ending hunger the Five Kings had for resources. They would demand much for not attacking and she knew that the price would only increase with each passing year, which would leave her people over worked and starving. The people then suggested that the Queen marry one of the Five Kings and make him an ally, but the Queen wasn't going to be bridled by a power hungry King who would most likely divide her lands among his brothers. No, war was the only option, but the Queens armies were small, though well trained, they wouldn't be able to stand against the might of all five armies of the Five Kings. The people of the kingdom of Tur nearly fell into dispair, when a young knight saught an old wise water dragon that lived in the center of the Dark Wood in the lake of Star Glass. No one knows what drove him out there as dragons had a habit of terrizing the people of Tur and of Main, but he was certain they would help. To the kingdoms great surprise the young knight returned on the back of Terra class dragon, he then asked the Queen to give him authority to go out among the people of the kingdom to find those worthy of being a Winged Defender of the Realm. She gave it and the the Winged Defenders were formed. The first battle was short as the Five Kings didn't expect to dragon riders, though there were many more battles with many losses on both sides. But in the end the Five Kings were beaten and fell back to their own kingdoms....... You are now a young hopeful for becoming a Winged Defender, you were either just picked up or have been in the training program for a year or two awaiting the time you get your dragon (or a dragon chooses you). You know this is big as not just anyone gets to be a dragon rider. You better hope you pass the Right of Dragons as there has been talk about dark forces looking for weaknesses in Tur's defences.[/center] ...... Hi everyone, -So this is a dragon rider rp with a plot that can be worked out some more with the right people. -To just remind a few people this takes place 20yrs after the first riders were formed, so they don't know everything about dragons or all the breeds. - Please post character sheets in OOC so I can review them. -The dragons can talk though through a mind link with their rider. -There is classes of dragons.... Terra class, Tidal Class, Air Class, Light Class, Tracker Class, Dark Class etc. -This will be a bit more mature rp with some mature themes, please be aware of this before joining. 18+!! -No elves or dwarves or anything like that. Humans and dragons. - Two human characters per person limit -Have any questions? ask and I will try to answer back as soon as possible :) [hider=Terra Class Dragons] [hider=Example of Terra Class] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/7512/f/2009/221/c/a/earth_dragon_by_athayar.jpg[/img] [/hider] - These dragons have a lava type of fire, that can "stick" to some objects - Large sometimes wingless dragons - The most powerful jaws compared to the other classes of dragons - Scales usually looks like rocks or pebbles and are usually brown to green in colour - Some Terra class dragons have club like tails - Not the fastest fliers (if they have wings) - They are the heavest of all dragons - Some of the wingless Terra dragons are deeply territorial [/hider] [hider=Tidal Class Dragons] [hider=Example] [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/635b/i/2012/065/a/9/water_dragon_by_saeto15-d4rrhoi.jpg[/img] [/hider] - These dragons range in size, with the biggest not being able to fly out of the water. - Some water dragons can't leave the water or their skin will dry out. - Those that can leave the water still show that they are Tidal dragons by some of the fin like structures on their bodies. - Tidal dragons a range of attacks from spitting boiling water, some have fire, and even breathing ice - These dragons are usually blue, sea green to white in colour. - Not the fastest fliers but not bad for Tidal dragons [/hider] [hider=Air Class Dragons] [hider=Example] [img]http://oi813.photobucket.com/albums/zz57/familypics3/84-1.jpg[/img] [/hider] - These dragons are some of the sleakest and fastest around (next to Light class) - Usually found in small packs - Air dragons are usually no bigger than a large horse - Some of the most fragile dragons with less dense scales - Some have feathers on their wings, which makes them more silent - They have a plasma like fire blast or some of have powerful roars that can burst eardrums and knock you over. And some of the most rare can make beautiful tunes bringing prey to their death. - They range in colour [/hider] [hider=Light Class Dragons] [hider=Example] [img]http://img02.deviantart.net/1d8c/i/2010/339/0/e/white_dragon_by_saarl-d2vnx2q.jpg[/img] [/hider] - Bigger than the Air class dragons but just as fast. - Usually has multiple sets of wings - Can breath lighting, shoot fire and they have a vary bright plasma blast that is blinding. - Light class dragons love spending time in the sun and can get grumpy if they don't. - These dragons are hard to find as they can make themselve invisible when they feel like it. Also they are rare. - These dragons are some of the most loyal, though it takes a while to gain their trust. - Light dragons are also the most vain, so it is best that you don't insult them - Most yellow, gold, or white. Though some have found in other vary light colours. [/hider] [hider=Stoker Class Dragons] [hider=Example] [img]http://i.pinimg.com/736x/97/3d/54/973d54505b9614cc2e7d1634a6ecd390.jpg[/img] [/hider] - These are your fire based dragons - The come in many shapes and sizes - The most popular and widely found dragon - The have a vary wide range when it comes to fire attackes - They have the hottest fire breath campared to the other dragon classes - Some are fast fliers while others aren't - Some can light themselves on fire - They are the easiest to befriend and gain their loyalty - They range in colour but are mostly found in red and rust red [/hider] [hider=Dark Class Dragons] [hider=Example] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/03/4a/5d/034a5d3a0497b38dddebd013bf0f78ec.jpg[/img] [/hider] - These are large dragons, with the smallest being the size of a T-Rex. - Not the fastest dragons but they can keep up with the Stoker Class of dragons - Some Dark class dragons have multiple heads - These dragons can breath a deadly gas, some gas has the added bonus of igniting causing more damage. - Although they aren't the fastest fliers they can carry the heaviest loads, next to the Terra class dragons - Some of the most rare Dark Class dragons breath "shadows" which causes fear paralysis and it doesn't matter if you are friend or foe. - These dragons aren't pretty and are known to cause nightmares. [/hider] [hider=Tracker Class Dragons] [hider=example] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/56/6e/fd/566efd0ce9b12823c104e78912976110.jpg[/img] [/hider] - Some of there dragons are wingless - they come in two "sizes"; riding size (like a rihno or elephant) and medium dog size. - The riding size dragon lives alone for most of its life. - They have amazing eye sight, hearing and smell compared to other dragons - These dragons have venom and fire. - Some even have stingers on their tails - the vemon can kill if in large doses, but for the most part it makes prey easier to track. - These dragons are the hardest to get along with and to earn their loyalty - These dragons are vary territorial. - These dragons also have the added bonus of camouflage making them hard to find. [/hider] [h3]Will work on the rest in a moment[/h3]