[center][h2][color=1a7b30]Orsin Tanzini[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] This Saturday morning was chilling, He had only one foot our from underneath the covers and he thought it might be frostbitten if he left it there another half hour. He rolled over in bed countless times trying to fall back to sleep, eyes half open and mind still half asleep. The bed sheets were so tangled from his rolling around that they were no longer comfortable, so naturally he sprung out of bed and looked at his bedroom floor which was usually covered with smelly crumpled up clothes that he would pick through smelling a few until he found one that was clean enough to re-wear, but instead it was totally clean. Being reminded of his bedroom carpet color was a bit of a shock to Orsin but what was even more shocking was that an outfit of clothes had been laid out for him. Clothes he had never seen before with what looked to be college wear, yet he hasn't gone to college yet. He took a closer look at the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/52/cd/d1/52cdd13bbbd7bbd0ef6ffa6170d82bd0.jpg]insignia[/url]. A White lion head on a red background. The outfit was majority black with stylish red and white detailing all around it. The outfit consisted of: A pair of ankle socks sticking out of new black shoes leading to some, form fitting, but not tight sweatpants and fresh underwear. Topped by a red shirt with the insignia over the heart covered by a black pull over hoodie with the white insignia on the right shoulder and the cuff of both sleeves. He looked around for his other clothes but couldn't find anything, nothing in his drawers or his closet or under his bed. Thinking nothing of it and getting quite chilled he started putting the ensemble on. Everything fit perfectly, not only that but it was totally his style. As if he had his own designer and this was his masterpiece. After everything was on and he finally finished inspecting himself in the mirror he walked to his door but before he could turn the handle the insignia on his right cuff light up making something on his desk whir to life. Orsin stood there looking at his desk in bafflement, hand still attached to the doorknob. This screen on your desk starts to stand up and the screen reads "Greetings". Curiosity overcoming all other emotions at the moment willed Orsin to go check it out, he looked behind the screen to see how it was holding itself up and a stand seemed to protrude from the back. [color=1a7b30]"Huh~"[/color] he sighed as he stared at the screen, sitting in his desk chair. [color=1a7b30]"Fuck it"[/color] he said with a shrug and hit the 'Get started' button on screen. His heart skipped a beat as he realized he couldn't pull his finger away from the screen. He could feel his finger get pricked then the screen finally let go. He scowled at the screen then looked at his finger. Looking back at the screen he saw a little A.I. interface bubble with a sound wave through the middle. [color=6ecff6]"Hello friend, I am from The University Of Enlightenment."[/color] chimed the device. The introduction ensued and he was told he had been a subject on an experiment and that he will now be leaving for the campus grounds. All he had to do was get to the nearest airport, about three miles away, by 2:00pm. He checked the time on his phone and saw that his phone was completely wiped, factory reset, but the time still popped up. 11:27am. Plenty of time, he could use the distance as his morning run, which he always did on weekends. So he got up from his desk, emptied his backpack of all the stuff he would be leaving behind, calculus, advanced chemistry, human anatomy and physiology, ancient texts, and his Italian classes. Then slid just the black tablet into the bag. Orsin headed downstairs and headed straight for the breakfast table, eager to fill his stomach. Oddly enough the house was empty, which was a surprise, his parents never left without telling him. But what was even weirder was that some restaurant style French toast was sitting on a plate ready to be eaten. He was only a little weirded out but hungry enough to scarf it down. This day was totally throwing him for a loop but he was never a very scheduled human and always just kinda rolled with the punches. He was totally accepting of this new opportunity so that he could hone his new power. After breakfast and a shower he looked around before leaving the house but all he needed was what he woke up to. Lacing up his new shoes, which had a super comfortable fit, he started out the front door and jogged all the way to the airport. He was used to these long slow runs so even though his heart rate was up a little he wasn't sweating too hard or anything. He walked in and right up to the receptionist at the ticket sales booth. [color=1a7b30]"I think you've got a ticket for Orsin?"[/color] He said, kind of uncertainly only now realizing that this could be some sort of elaborate joke from some deep web hacker that found him. [color=fff79a]"Destination?"[/color] She asked sweetly. Orsin took a deep breath and answered how the tablet told him to back at the house. [color=007236]"Enlightenment"[/color] he looked at her waiting for her face to contort and give him the 'what the hell are you talking about' look, but it never came. [color=fff79a]"Yep! Right here, Mr. Tanzini"[/color] She said with a big smile, pointing him to what gate they would be loading the plane on. He checked the clock. 1:53pm. He cut it pretty close but now he wouldn't have to sit around and wait very long. The loud speaker notified him that his plane was boarding and as he walked he noticed that he was the only one walking towards this gate, there was one guard who filtered him through the metal detector taking his backpack and handing it to him on the other side without looking through it. He walked down the ramp and onto the jet all alone. Found a random window seat to sit in but before he got comfortable a flight attendant found him. [color=fff79a]"Excuse me sir, You've been upgraded"[/color] with the same bubbly smile as the lady at the ticket desk. [color=fff79a]"Follow me please!"[/color] She walked him up to first class and sat him down. [color=fff79a]"If you need anything at all just swipe your logo over the black pad right there and ill be on my way"[/color] He tried it and a pin on her shirt lit up. [color=1a7b30]"Thank you very much"[/color] He said as she walked away and he leaned back and got comfortable. [color=1a7b30][i]'Well shit, I shoulda asked her how long the flight was~'[/i][/color] He thought as he pulled out the black tablet and began reading all the informational pieces on the school. Getting lost in the tablet as he felt the plane take off. Leaving his past life totally behind him.