[quote=@Altered Tundra] Hmm, this looks rather simple enough to keep my interest, so consider it piqued. And if I was right in reading it, we are playing the hacker group mentioned in the post, yeah? So, this raises my question what the plot will be? I get this might be one of those games where you want the group to come up with iders, so will this be completely up to us or is there a system where we take turns? Or is there going to be a sandbox approach to it where we do whatever we want and have some GM influence when it suits us? Suffice to say that, despite my questions, I've got an interest in this. I'm looking at an exchange student from central America who might have a latin theme to it, so understandably, he'll have a Digimon that represents him in some ways (and vice versa). Also might have a friend coming with me (still up in the air). EDIT: Is there something I missed about royal knights being the dictated digimon partner? O.o [/quote] Hi there, we just lost our fourth so perfect timing. XD Anyhow, I have a bit of a grander plot in mind. Though I do plan on doing plenty of "Monster of the Week" and some other things as well. So I would not be too against people wanting to make their own Monster of the Week encounters. If your friend wants to come, I suppose I could allow it. It's less of a problem now than before when I hadn't thought of the schedule. XD And no, no need to make the Royal Knights a partner. Make whatever you want. These groups may or may not exist, but I like to work in special things that allow these to coexist. Hehe.