You need a base class. I don't think Guardian, and Dark knight are base classes they sound like advanced. They should be at ten if not maxed. Keep in mind we are playing with a significant amount of reduced job classes. Because if you look at Shalltear you can see how canonical characters are crazy when it comes to it. [url][/url] Vampire (10) True Vampire (10) Job Level Valkyrie:Lance (5) Cursed Knight (5) Cleric (10) Blood Drinker (?) [b]etc (60)[/b] She apparently has 65 job classes at least and she's an NPC. Other than that there's a few skills that probably could've just been used without descriptions like say cleave because...well cleave is cleave. I'm allowing people to use stuff like 'Bless Weapon', or 'Enhance Strength'. Other than that I can't really say much on it since it is not finished there's not much wrong with it.