[Center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/342457574106333204/423548204437471252/Ruby_yee.jpg[/img][/center] [Center][B][h1][color=92278f]Ruby Mamoru[/color][/h1][/b][/center] While Ruby followed the girl that was taking her to some unknown locations, she couldn't help but think about how her life had changed. Whether she would become great friends with Persia or not, just meeting people like that was already much more social interaction than what she was used to. Initially Ruby had thought that she would have way less time to meet new people since she would have to train a lot in order to keep up with everyone else in her class. This was certainly the case, but she knew how to use what little time she had. Soon they would arrive at the tree and an awkward pause would occur between these two. While Ruby was waiting for Persia to say something, she couldn't help but notice all those nervous bodily movements that Persia was doing. The neko certainly was no expert at social interaction, so if she noticed that someone was doing awkward gestures or fiddling and shifting their body around nervously, it must've been quite obvious to any observer. Thanks to her feline hearing ability, Ruby was even able to hear the fast heartbeat that was going on inside of the other girl. Crossing her arms in front of her body, Ruby was now in a bit of a predicament. While she didn't want to seem rude by any means, she now had to explain why it wasn't the best of ideas to ask a catgirl to climb on a tree. However, out of fear that the ironic and comedic nature of the situation wouldn't be quite clear, Ruby opted to just decline instead. [color=92278f]"I am sorry but... I think I'll have to pass on that one. Don't want to climb on any tree with just the school uniform." [/color] she replied politely trying her hardest to still seem friendly. While Ruby had a positive impression of Persia she wanted to make sure that it didn't seem as though she was angry at Persia for asking such a thing, since she was not. Unbeknownst to Ruby she would only make the situation more awkward by not adding anything else to the conversation, putting Persia unintentionally in a rough spot again. [@pkken]