[center][hider=Madison Lovette] [h1][color=#FFDB58]Madison Lovette[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/jktu6rA.png[/img] [b]"Even monsters have a mind."[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBmlCZTF4Xs]Umbrella- Postmodern Jukebox Bersion[/url] | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Madison Lewis Lovette | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Nickname/Alias/Callsign[/b][/color] | Maddie, Mad | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Age[/b][/color] | 312 | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Species[/b][/color] | Vampire (Magi Variant) | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Male | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Straight | [color=#FFDB58]][b]In-Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Standing at a height of 5’6” feet, Madison is a man of fair complexion, with gentle features, dark curls that fall to his chin, and even darker eyes. Even without his...unique choice of wardrobe, he’s notably androgynous, lacking the masculine hardness of features or the telltale stubble that would be clear indications of his gender. His androgynity, however, tends to be easily overshadowed by his aforementioned outfits. Although Madison is male, and identifies himself as such, it’s difficult to catch him at a time when he isn’t decked out in a skirt and heels. With the use of a bit of makeup, it becomes very difficult to determine that he is a man without being told. | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | [b]Vampire Abilities[/b] [i]Bat Transformation Super Strength (Can Lift a Pickup and Flip a Semi) Night Vision Mind Control (Requires focus and concentration) Nigh-Invulnerability (only a wooden weapon through the heart or decapitation can kill him) Regeneration (comes with nigh-invulnerability, all non-lethal injuries heal during rest) Magic Resistance (Magi Vampire ability) Magical Attunement (Magi Vampire ability)[/i] [b]Magical Abilities[/b] [i]Pyrokinesis:[/i] Despite the irony that comes with a vampire wielding fire as his weapon, Madison is adept at it, able to make flames as gentle as candlelight, or as wild as a forest fire. He can also use this ability to extinguish fires, although attempting to do so takes more energy than it would adding magical fuel to the fire. [i]Healing:[/i] Madison is also a skilled healer, encouraging the body to knit itself back together if injured. He can repair vicious gashes and broken bones with ease (although he would have to set the bones in the latter case, else they would grow the wrong way). | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | Madison’s body doesn’t exactly get along well with the following: salt, garlic, sunlight, silver, religious symbols, stakes to the heart, and decapitation. While he can recover easily enough from most, the stake and decapitation can very easily do him in if he’s not prepared- with the first weakness being carefully guarded against with the same armored vests several of his fellow vampires use. He can’t be seen or heard through recording equipment, can’t be seen in mirrors, and is required to feed off the blood and mana of other beings- Madison holding a strong preference for blood bags rather than the direct source. In addition, his powers hold weakness, as well. His pyrokinetic abilities require the uttermost care, seeing that he could easily injure himself with its use, or even worse, lose control of a blaze and harm his teammates. His healing isn’t also a complete cure-all, as he can only heal what the body would be able to. He can’t repair the damaged nerves of a broken spine, or make a limb grow back. | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Equipment[/b][/color] | As one might expect from a vampire, Madison wears a protective vest beneath his clothing, and is often seen sporting a wide-brimmed hat when the sun is out. In addition, on his person he often carries a phone, a notebook with a variety of pens, a binder for the purpose of research notes, bundles of various herbs- including sage and wolfsbane- and other little knick knacks and such. Being research personnel, Madison doesn’t carry any heavy artillery on him or the like. | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Personality[/b][/color] | At heart, Madison is an open, good-natured individual. Mellow towards most everyone, regardless of their own feelings towards him, he’s usually willing to have polite chit-chat when his schedule allows him to do so, or even set aside time for the sole purpose of talking with a friend or acquaintance. He takes most things in stride, and it takes quite some time for him to get riled as a result- although, even then, it’s very rare for him to explode. His rage usually manifests itself as silent anger and disapproval, contrasting greatly against his usual sunny disposition. Age has also granted him an incredibly lackadaisical nature when dealing with the world around him, regardless of how bizarre or unusual it happens to be. | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Boston, Massachusetts. Madison is quite nostalgic about the place. | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Family[/b][/color] | They were all human, and all are long dead. Perhaps Madison has some very distant relatives, but if he does, he’s currently unaware. | [color=#FFDB58]][b]History[/b][/color] | Born sometime after the Tuscarora War, Madison’s early life was...interesting, to say the least. The son of a less-than-rich-blacksmith, the boy was groomed from a young age to take up his father’s job when the time came, set to tinker with scraps of metal and failed works. Madison seemed quite content with his role, although he occasionally slacked off to read one of the few books his family had around the house. He helped around the shop, even attempting to make his own creations from time to time, but, after his sister’s death things began to change. Madison developed a fascination with femininity. He began to don his sister’s old clothing, storing them away when his parents attempted to prevent the habit. He would take rouge and cologne from his mother’s room to try it on, wearing them around his room and attempting to replicate the styles he had seen on the streets. As time went on, Madison developed a reputation as a respectable young man (although his habit still remained)- albeit a bit of a gambler whenever he scrounged up enough coin. He had a sweetheart, and was considering going into politics, much to the approval of his parents. It was after one night of particular debauchery that Madison, who had been stumbling his way home, found himself attacked and drained near to the point of dryness by a rogue vampire. He clung to life by a hair, and, dragging himself into the gutter, went through the painful rebirth from human to a fully fledged creature of the night. It took him a few days after that to get his bearings- a few days of reckless, crazed feeding- and a few more to fully realize what he had become. Fearing that he would pose a threat to his family, he fled his hometown, taking his newfound freedom to explore his hobby to the fullest. He developed a sort of fascination with the supernatural, and after dabbling in what knowledge there was about vampirism, spread his roots and began to study the world of the nonhuman to its fullest. Madison journeyed across the world, meeting countless species, and writing hundreds upon thousands of papers on his discoveries. With every paper published, Madison and his works became more and more well known. A few years ago, Madison decided to join Smith and his little expedition team, his perpetual hunger for knowledge peaked at the offer. He holds little interest in the artifacts, instead being far more curious of what he might learn of them. | [color=#FFDB58]][b]Extra[/b][/color] | A big fan of Sinatra. Madison is often found listening to his tracks, and knows every song by heart. [hider=Edit History] [b]Edit 00:[/b] N/A at the moment. [/hider] [/hider] [/center] Tell me if there's anything you want changed [@AbandonedIntel]. c: