Caius was distracted by his pitiful attempts at conversation when he heard the yell come from across the hall. He looked up to see a well dressed young man hurl himself out of the way of the rampaging student. He had just enough time to put up a basic shock absorbing spell as Toby crashed into him. Caius rubbed his hand. He looked at his jacket and was mildly annoyed, but considering the circumstances, he decided to focus on the more important things. [color=00aeef]"My jacket will be fine. More importantly, are you ok?"[/color] As he got up, he quickly inspected the man who accidentally tackled him. He also looked to make sure Jackie wasn't injured. Seeing that they seemed ok, he looked around Toby to see if he could get a sight of the combatants. He watched as Larke moved himself out of the pin and held the sphere of ice in his hands. Caius worried that things may escalate even further, and thus prepared his energy to try and counterspell anything that got out of hand. He turned to the door and screamed, [color=00aeef]"Is there a teacher in the vicinity!?"[/color] [@TheWindel] [@LorelleQuips]