[@vancexentan] Nah, it's alright. Overlord stuff is fairly complicated in itself. Here we are now. [hider=Appilcation] [b]Yggdrasil Username:[/b] LMAOLORDXXX [b]Name: [/b]The Seventh Scythe, or Sev [b]Race:[/b] Undead [b]Gender:[/b] N/A [b]Character Level:[/b] 87 [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Evil [b]Guild/Party Affiliation:[/b] Not Applicable Anymore [hider=Appearance:] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/55/a2/31/55a2319c4c6633858be54ba39c45cbe2.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Racial Class: [/b] Undead (15) Reaper (10) Wraith (5) [b]Job Classes:[/b] Rogue (15) Assassin (10) Master Assassin (5) Ninja (10) Stalker (7) Illusionist (10) [b]Fighting Style: [/b] Sev uses devious tactics, trickery illusions, and elements of surprise to attack opponents unaware. His assassin skills are maxed, meaning his preferred style of combat is from the shadows and using overwhelming force on a target when they are unaware of his presence. He is proficient in fighting face to face but he does not prefer it. Scythes are his main weapon of choice, for they provide unique opportunities and daggers are so overused nowadays. [b]Strengths:[/b] He has a very high attack power, and his assassin classes only amplify that under the right conditions. Otherwise he is quite capable of holding his own. He knows several illusions spells that allow him to trick opponents and mask his presence. He also is proficient in agility, and endurance. He has great stamina as well. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] On the path to be a glass cannon, one tends to loose their defensive capabilities. As such Sev's defense is not very high and punishing attacks will give him great pause if he cannot dodge them. He is also a hetermorphic race, and as such is usually hated to be around. [hider=Items] [b]Name of Item: The Seventh Scythe[/b] Rank of Item: Legendary Appearance: A large, iron wrought scythe with a blade as long as a man. It whispers with excitement and longs for blood. Description of Item: The Seventh Scythe boosts one's attack power, does double damage to non-heteromorphic races and has a fear bonus applied, which means those under level twenty are naturally afraid of this weapon. Class/Racial Restrictions: Only a Master Assassin of at least level 1, and heteromorphic may wield this weapon. Downsides of Item: It has a negative defense bonus. [b]Name of Item: The Tatters[/b] Rank of Item: Relic Appearance: Tattered grey cloth that hangs loosely over the body. Almost like that of a mummy but not as confining. Description of Item: The Tatters provides stat bonuses mainly. To both attack, defense, and gives a hefty agility bonus. Class/Racial Restrictions: Only those with at least level 10 in the Assassin class may don this armor. Downsides of Item: None other then the fact that it is an item that is very revealing. [b]Name of Item: The Phantasm Ring[/b] Rank of Item: Legacy Appearance: A small white ring that seethes mist. Description of Item: Boosts illusion magic, allows magic to be cast longer and greater distances. Class/Racial Restrictions: None Downsides of Item: None [/hider] [hider=Skills:] [b]Minor Skills:[/b] Assassination, Back stab, Lesser Illusion, Greater Illusions, Fighting Stance, Endurance boost, Stamina boost, Lesser attack boost, Greater Attack boost, Silence, Fly, Disguise Illusion, Mask Presence and other minor spells. [b]Name: Regicide[/b] Job Class Specialization: Master Assassin Effects of Skill: Deals triple damage to an unsuspecting foe. Side Effects of skill: Temporarily lowers defense into the negatives, also gives away position. Description of Skill: Regicide allows a Master Assassin to specifically target an individual, and if they are caught by surprise, does massive damage, usually killing the opponent. [b]Name: Reaper[/b] Job Class Specialization: Racial ability for Reaper class Effects of Skill: Gives off an aura of fear that causes panic, confusion and the sense of impending doom. Works in a radius of up to 500ft. Side Effects of skill: Gives away the presence of the user. They might not know where you are, but they know something is there. Description of Skill: Reaper is a skill invoked In YGGDRASIL to give negative debuffs to enemies, and monsters. In the new world, it gives away to the eternal fear of mortals- death. [b]Name: Incorporeal Usage[/b] Job Class Specialization: Racial ability for Wraith class Effects of Skill: Allows the user to turn into a corporal form to avoid attack, and to pass through objects once per day. The spell has a short time limit, and is primarily used to evade and flee in most cases. Side Effects of skill: Magical attacks will still cause damage, really only works well against physical and ranged attacks. Description of Skill: Wraiths are known to be able to pass through objects, and move with speed unphased by terrain. This spell simply enhances the ability. [/hider] [b]How a normal human would view me:[/b] With a great amount of fear and hesitation. Death surely follows such a creature as I. [b]Personality:[/b] Before YGGDRASIL shut down, before the new world, Sev was a very happy-go-getter of a dude. He did not have a lot of care for other people's opinions, and really worked hard to get his character to where he could have fun when he PVP'd. He found no greater enjoyment then ambushing targets and hearing them rage at him after they died. After the game ended, and the new world came, Sev found himself locked at what he was. He was an undead, and his personality would be shifted because of that. No more fun and games, just business. [b]Bio/Lore:[/b] Sev's IRL origins remain a mystery. He never told his guild mates, or his friends where he came from or what his real name was. He started playing YGGDRASIL in its sixth year and quickly fell in love with the game as he progressed. Any sort of life he had out in the real world was quickly forgotten as became addicted to the game. For the first couple of years he was a maverick, never getting himself into a guild and preferring the solo life of the assassin. He enjoyed it to the point where he got fixed on the high of properly caring out assassinations and trickery on opponents. He loved to PVP but after a few painful deaths, he decided that a guild wouldn't be too bad after all. Because he hated following, and didn't want to be some pawn for a larger guild, he created a small PVP orientated assassins guild, called the Scythes. As you could guess, their preferred weapon of choice were scythes but a few used other weapons as well. They even named each other with titles, Sev's being the Seventh. He would always say to his guild mates that it sounded cool. The Scythes went on, up until the end. They made a lot of good memories, friends and a whole lot of enemies. They once got the jump on a World Class item wielder, and they would have won if not for a server crash. Then there was the multiple guild wars they inadvertently created by killing opposite factions and then placing damning evidence to say either side did it. It was a whole lot of fun, but they never really were notorious, more of a nuisance at best. As YGGDRASIL began to die, the shut down inevitable, some of his guild mates stayed until the end and they wished each other good luck and parted. Others had logged off years ago never to return, such was the nature of gaming. Then the final night came, his greatest fun was going to end. It was tragic at best, but he would stay around until the end, and with none of his guild mates on, he'd go crash someone else's party. [/hider]