well here he is. [hider=James McDuffy] [hider=Portrait] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3e344466-f133-4f23-8ec5-4d80cde261d0.jpg [/img] [/hider] [color=00a651]Name:[/color] James McDuffy [color=00a651]Image, or Description... or both!:[/color] James is a rather large burley man of Irish and Scottish descent, built as strong as the ships he sails on. standing 6'3” and weighing a little over 200 lbs. his position as gunner has kept him strong. His red hair is kept shaved with a rough red beard. The mans green eyes could almost pierce your soul if you looked for to long. James has many scars from work and more than a few from lashes in his early years aboard ships. [color=00a651]Age:[/color] 33 [color=00a651]Personality:[/color] James is a stern and intimidating man. Mostly keeping to himself when not keeping others in line or doing his duties. With a stoic way about him one wouldn’t expect him to laugh or tell the occasional joke to his men. In all honesty, the man cares about his men as long as they do their job and don’t make him look bad. One can often find the man wandering through the ship casually helping or correcting others in their duties if he knows what they are doing. Although slightly suspicious of new people, James is loyal to those few people that are able to call him a friend. [color=00a651]Role:[/color] Gunner and Warrant Officer [color=00a651]How you got into the Navy:[/color] His acceptance into the navy wasn't something he chose. His family was poor and made him join the royal navy as a ship boy at the age of 10. [color=00a651]Experience with the navy:[/color] James has been in the Royal Navy for the better part of 20 years. So much so that he doesn’t even like going to land as it just doesn’t feel the same. Over the years he has worked his way up to gunner by serving with loyalty and honor. The Irishman has seen more than a few engagements and has proven himself to be a worthy foe in close combat. Although having his draw backs he was never one to do things for glory or medals. He is simply there to work. After losing touch with his family after his first voyage, he was pretty much adopted to any naval ship that would take him. He grew strong and stern with a good sense of humor. Learning to read and write on the ship and eventually learning how to repair and maintain cannons, rifles, pistols, and blades. Picking up skills here and there that would eventually lead him to be taken in as an apprentice gun smith. More recently he has been reassigned to the HMS Plymouth and has sailed with the old girl for the better part of the last year. He does not take his duties lightly and has kept the weapons in good working condition through his stay so far. [color=00a651]Skills: [/color]Gunsmith, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Brawler [color=00a651]Shortcomings:[/color] Rage — James has a bad temper and can be a mean drunk. His rage tends to be violent toward the offender and one would need more than one sailor to hold the strong man back. His mouth can sometimes get him in hot water as well. Although respectful of his command, sometimes when he drinks heavily he can’t help himself. Because of his trouble with this in the past, he is not allowed to drink large amounts of rum or beer while at sea unless given permission by someone who outranks him. James has always found this punishment light. Even with the 25 lashes, James still thinks he deserved more for nearly breaking a lieutenant’s jaw. [color=00a651]Tools/Weapons:[/color] Tools of the trade for gun smiting and repair, dirk, boarding ax x2, flintlock pistol. [color=00a651]Anything Extra:[/color] 2 sets of uniforms, 2 sets of boots, and a few novels he keeps around his bunk whenever he gets bored. [/hider]