[hider=Glory, the marked huntress.] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ixyjk1q.jpg[/img] Name: Glory. Race: Human. (Northman/Northwoman.) Faction/Unit: Independent mercenary. Huntress. Location: Wandering. Synopsis of Role: Glory was a wandering mercenary and huntress that hailed from the north. Her sword forged by the best smiths from the best ore to be as durable and as sharp as possible. She slew monsters for money, and sometimes slew humans who were enabling those monsters to do harm. On one hunt her luck ran out, and she lost her arm to the maw of a beast that was emboldened by a warlock. Cutting her arm free she slew both of them. But was running out of time. With no other option, she thrust her arm into a pool of raw ichor and screamed in agony for hours as a new arm was formed. This exposure robbed her of her natural vision, but gave her an arm and empowered her body to levels unseen in humans before or since. Now Glory saw the world through clairvoyance. The light of day did not blind her, and the shadow of night hid no secrets from her. Glory could even see things thought to be behind her and out of her field of view. However, such gifts do not come lightly, and she is considered a valuable prize to warlocks. [/hider] I don't really know what you mean by "Synopsis of Role" do you just mean stuff like personal history? Also I'm noticing that the CS overall seems to be biased more towards nation creation than individual characters. Do you have another CS that you'll put up later?