[center][h2] [Color=98FB98] Rya Mira [/color] [/h2][sub] Suprise Bride of Azilon [@WeepingLiberty] Interacting with: Az[@WeepingLiberty] [/sub][/center] The sounds of the tournament echoed around every corner of the arena, a constant reminder to all about why they were there. All around the field were holding pits where eager drakken lay in wait for their opportunity to fight. A year ago, so much senseless violence had caused her endless nightmares. The first time she saw a drakken struck down left her in near hysterics. Now, she could almost see the beauty in battle, the need to fight and the honor in victory. Invested enough that she found herself rooting for a favorite to win and feeling frustration when they failed. Rya perched herself on the armrest of Azilon’s chair, her feet barely touching the ground below. Nearby, another gem was tangled in the lap of Salazar. Although there were many girls around the pavilion in far more compromising positions than this one, the fact that it was Salazar’s hands touching the girl made Rya squirm and her face grow scarlet. While far from a virgin herself, Rya’s first husband making quick work of that the night they met, it just seemed so much dirtier when done with an audience. Rya was unsure if Azilon shared her view on the matter, which is what kept herself planted firmly on the armrest, instead of his lap. Even though the armrests seemed to be designed to make that position particularly uncomfortable. Despite her best efforts to pay the pair no mind, Salazar wouldn’t be anything less than the center of attention. “[color=f4a460]So, Azilon… You still haven’t told me how you acquired such a beautiful young thing, it was to my knowledge that you did not attend these sorts of things.[/color] An acidic guilted started to flood Rya’s body, starting from her stomach and spreading up her throat as she tried to keep her body relaxed and free from any admission of wrongdoings. She had no idea what her punishment would be should the wrong person discover what she did. Azilon seemed indifferent but Salazar finding out would have a much less ideal outcome, that much she was certain about. Thankfully, Azilon seemed content to keep her secret. Or, at least, avoid the question. Which seemed best till he got up. Reaching out she caught one of Azilon’s hands, a silent plea not to leave her. But all that came from that was the appearance of Azilon’s sister. Morganna took reluctant hold of Rya’s leash and a grumbling occupancy of her brother’s chair. The molested Gem of earlier bolted the second she was free, no doubt off to find a friendlier drakkan to entertain. Rya slipped to the ground by Morganna’s feet, pulling her knees to her chest. Arching her back, trying to make herself seem as small as possible. It seemed that the entire population of Drakka entered the ring before Rya saw Azilon again. His name, as well as that of his father, stirred a wave of interest from many of the drakken around her. Drinks were set on tables and gem entertainment losing the attention of their drakken client for a moment. A gasp of pain expelled from her lungs as the chain around her stomach tigented, digging into her skin. Glancing up at the female drakkan, Rya tried to dig her hands under the chain to loosen it, but Morganna only seemed to pull it tighter. “[color=ed1c24]You there, chew toy.Go to the edge there and watch the fight for me…. Oh, and don’t worry about Azi, if he dies I’m sure father will claim you. You’ll be well taken care of[/color]" The female drakkan’s words did very little to comfort her. The year among the drakken had taught Rya to want for few things and expect less. But as much as she was afraid of Azilon, she knew that Salazar would be a hundred times worse. Rya crept forward as far as the chain would allow, settling on the balls of her feet, trying to keep the borrowed dress as clean as possible. The agony that settled in her chest as the father and son fought on the field seemed to attack her lungs, making it impossible to breathe. Her hand digging into the smooth stone below her as she pressed into the hard earth. A coppery taste of blood filled her mouth the moment Azilon’s father got his son in a choke hold. Rya’s mind already flashing to the best direction to bolt should Az-- Lucky for her, the thought never had the chance to finishing forming. Azilon tossed his father off, winning the fight. And kill him. The thought flashed through her mind. A hungry, eager thought from a voice deep down that didn’t quite sound like her own. To the voice’s disappointment, Azilon backed away, encouraged to do so by the keeper of the games. For as long as it took for Azilon to enter the ring, he appeared before her in what seemed like a moment. “[color=8493ca]Come on Rya, we’re leaving.[/color]” “[Color=98FB98]Az...[/color]” It was unclear if he heard her and chose to ignore her, or if the aftershock of battle had deafend him to all. She found herself rushing to stand has Azilon stormed off away from the arena. Rya’s feet kept catching in the skirt that was designed to look pretty, but it didn’t move very fast. After nearly falling for the 5th time in as many seconds, Rya was sick of it. Reaching out and wrapped her arm in the soft chain before yanking back on it like a whip, pulling it free from Azilon’s hand. “[Color=98FB98]You. Are. Going. Too. Fast,[/color]” she hissed, her voice low, the leash hanging loosely in her hand, the length of it dragging on the floor. She made no move to hand the chain back to Azilon or come any closer either. [hider=Summary] Rya is not looking for husband number 3. So Az better not fucking die in the stupid fight with his father. Az doesn't die, in fact he wins (for the first time in his whole life). He then drags Rya along, but she is getting real tired of his shit and yanks the stupid leash back [/hider] [center][h2][color=E9967A]Bree[/color][/h2][sub] Wife of ? Interacting with: Arden [@Pupperr], and Adorabell [@eclecticwitch] and Sorrin [@Weeping[/sub][/center] With the washing done, Bree carefully tipped the Arden's head back in the water, being mindful to not splash the soap into the her eyes. Satisfied with her job, Bree slowly started working on her own hair. Running the soap through it before starting the painstaking process of brushing through its length. [color=E9967A]“Truly, the drakken should be paying me. Look at all the wisdom on survival I have managed to impart on you already Arden,” [/color] The cheerfulness of new the gem...Adorabella, was a little overwhelming. Far too bubbly for the circumstance. Coming from someone who planned on being here, that was saying something. [color=E9967A]“An intense pleasure indeed,”[/color] said Bree, a polite smile that had been groomed into her repertoire coming to rest on her lips, as the reached out and took the girls hand lightly, the top of her hand point up. Holding it as though she expected a kiss, rather than a shake. [color=E9967A] “And your friend, I assume her name is Sorrin?”[/color] Said Bree, her hands returning to her own hair, braiding each side as soon as it was free of tangles. [color=E9967A]“We sat next to each other during that delightful presentation how how not to let the drakken baby rip you to shreds on the way out” [/color]Well, Bree sat, Sorrin stood painfully nearby. A sharp reminder to mind the drakken.[color=E9967A] “ As near as I can tell, the trick is to get lucky,” [/color] [center][h1] GM Post [/h1][/center] Somewhere, in one of the deeper pools, a girl lept in. Her body curled in a tight ball before splashing water over everyone close to her. There was a sudden cool breeze as the steam rushed to escape the room. The heavy rock door opened just large enough to allow a single drakkan to enter. The new drakkan spoke a few quick words to the two guards stationed at the door. After a few second of conversation, one of the drakkan guards stood. "[b]Out now,"[/b] he barked, his second heading to the back of the room. Probably to chase out the Gem's who had wandered too far back. [color=E9967A]“But, I thought you said we had until lunch,”[/color] Said Bree, stepping out of the pool and quickly wrapped her towel around herself. “[color=E9967A]It can’t have been more than an hour,[/color]” “ [b]Plans have changed[/b],” Said the drakkan, his voice as greasy as the look he gave her as his eyes flicked down her body. “[b]It is time to meet your husbands[/b],” [hider=Summary and Important Information That Everyone Should Know] This is not a drill. We are all finally getting murried (or sold into sexual slavery as part of the sketchy looking breeding program) So the gemmies, time for primping and travel to the fighty fight place. Next time on: Who is running this ship...oh wait.... Everyone, keep a weathered eye for Libby’s post (coming soon) to find out what caused this mysterious speed up. [/hider]