[@Sola], character done! I procrastinated like hell when it came to writing the Bio. If anything's wrong, let me know. [hr] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/f845/f/2018/093/f/3/large_by_crowconuts-dc7rzz9.png[/img][/center] [u] [b]Name:[/b][/u] Asato Asahi [u] [b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u] [b]Age:[/b][/u] 16 [u] [b]Appearance Description:[/b][/u] Asahi measures up to 156 cm and weighs 43kg. She's got fair skin and a lithe build with toned muscle. She doesn't have fancy clothing but tries to look her best no matter what. [u] [b]Former Life:[/b][/u] Student [u] [b]Clubs:[/b][/u] Mixed Martial Arts Club [u] [b]Gear:[/b][/u] A bag with: two pencils, a sharpener, a notebook, some hygiene products, and a few bandaids and alcohol wipes. [u] [b]Skills:[/b][/u] [b]- Hand to hand combat.[/b] Whether it is striking, wrestling or defending herself while on the ground, she's got a very acceptable level of proficiency across the board, having even beaten one of her senpais in a sparring match before. [b]- Athlete's endurance.[/b] Being able to fight at 100% for 15 or 25 minutes with barely any rest is a feat that only people who have trained for a long time are able to achieve. [b]- Sewing & Repairing clothing.[/b] Having raised herself for the most part, she's grown accustomed to treating her clothing right. She repairs her clothing whenever it gets danaged instead of buying a new piece in order to save her Mom some much-needed money. [b]- Cooking.[/b] Being poor and needing to eat is a good combination to learn how to whip up meals when all you have are scraps and old cans of peas. [b]- Rationing.[/b] Her family's money problems have had both her and her Mom rationing food to last through the month to such a point that Asahi has unknowingly become a light eater, sometimes skipping entire meals. [u] [b]Likes & Dislikes: [/b][/u] Asahi likes: - Cheap Ramen. - Having her efforts recognized. - Hugs and physical shows of affection. - Small snakes. - The feeling of her knuckles smashing into someone's jaw or nose. - The tiger ears she wears on her head. Asahi dislikes: - People that bully her because of her poverty. - Her Mom's current boyfriend. - The feeling of someone's knuckles smashing into her jaw or nose. [u] [b]Personality:[/b][/u] Asahi is an independent, cheerful and carefree girl. Born into poverty, she's never known what it feels like to be able to get what she truly wants. After being fired from her last job, she has turned to spending her free time with other kids. Sometimes they'll get in trouble and other times they'll just loiter around, messing with each other. [u] [b]Biography:[/b][/u] Asahi was born to poverty. Her father left when she was a few months old and since then, her mother's had to work herself to exhaustion each day to make ends meet. For as long as she can remember, she's been picked on by the divas in class for being the kid that has no money for makeup or stupid accessories or the newest model of phone that is actually the same as the older, but twice as expensive. Asahi's known what it feels to not be able to do many things because of things beyond her control, and she hates it. One day, she got into a fight and relished the sight of her bully's bleeding nose. Of course, the satisfaction didn't last long, since the bully sent her asskissers after Asahi when she left school that day. She couldn't attend school for a week after that. Tired of being bullied, when she was able to return she immediately signed up for arguably the most intense martial arts club, the MMA club. A year and several bully beatdowns later, Asahi enjoyed the relative freedom of using the girl's locker room without someone ripping or stealing her clothing. Eventually, though, Asahi got tired of being the poor kid, so she got a part-time job and started earning money. Enough to buy her own stuff. She was happy and proud. Until she came home one night to her mom crying over the kitchen sink while she washed a plastic dish. That night, she rolled the cash in her pocket from her payday and sighed. The next morning, her mom found an envelope on the floor in front of her bedroom door, with a note littered with drawings of hearts that read: [i]"I love you Mom, don't cry. I have a job now, so please accept this."[/i] Things were good for a while. Then Asahi's mom got a deadbeat boyfriend who did nothing but spend their hard earned money on booze and junk food. Another day, after having her ass handed to her in the MMA club and arriving at work bruised and with bandages all over her knees and arms, she was let go. That was a mere month ago. Now her family is back at the start. [u] [b]Other:[/b][/u] The only family Asahi knows is her Mother, Asato Seka, who works two jobs and only spends 8 hours a day at home, most of which are spent sleeping or with her boyfriend.