[center][h2][color=556B2F]Thomas Olfry[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Thomas also began to look around at the wares of the "shop" keepers. He went from table to table looking at everything they had to offer. He finally found one that was selling some canned food. [color=556B2F]"What'dya want for a couple cans of food?"[/color] he asked the woman sitting on the blanket. [color=808080]"What d'ya have?"[/color] the old woman replied, eyeing him up. He showed her his things and she said [color=808080]"I could use some duct tape, I have some things that need to be repaired"[/color] So, Thomas gave her his role of duct tape in exchange for 2 cans of food. (Added "2 cans of food" to my inventory) (Subtracted "1 role of duct tape" from my inventory)