"That depends solely on the Faira you ask." the commander answered the Prefect first, "An Oracle is not trained or in fact talented in such kind of mindspace manipulation. An Inventor could tell you how to optimize the process, but probably tell you to sod off for giving them such a menial task. A common citizen could perhaps lift their own weight on average in our native gravity. Properly trained psychokinetic, which are most of our combat personnel, there is a large variance of specializations and skill levels. Admiral Cygnus can, for example, control volumes of small particles - she uses her training to create what we call mindspikes for melee combat - basically a shaped plasma blade. Helm on a destroyer without support can move their ship, but if you ask them to create a turbulence in a liquid, they will fail. Then, there is the one in several billion that can be born as what we call an ascendant. One of them could send a Meteor class destroyer into orbit, or compress air enough to ignite fusion reaction." she said, keeping to herself that she was an instance of the last. "Considering the laser weapons, well, we designed them to be used in space as point defense. And while they do suffer a severe range drop in nebulae or gas planets, those environments are relatively rare, not enough to warrant berthing all of the fleets for refits. As for the next generation, those ships are still on the drawing board." she tilted her head to a side in a gesture similar to a shrug. "We do not usually land on planets and the like, our Marines are trained mostly to repel possible boarding or to perform their own. As our insertion method is an FTL jump, I don't think I'll be deploying your marines in a possible offensive scenario, but we'll be interested in their opinion on our counter-intruder methods and where we might improve." "The commanding officers will be assigned to me and my own XO. We take shifts as well, as not to grow insane from the work." she smiled, "Your pilots will be spending their first days with Explorer's engineering to design machines for themselves with our tech base, as we lack in a craft that can actually accept a pilot. The destroyer has been equipped with a manufacturing line, so they will be able to tinker on them to their liking as they grow accustomed to them. As for the information, we can ask them ourselves, no need to bother higher ranks." "I'll give you the officers form my own battlegroup's ships. They are seasoned in their crafts so they are a better choice for the exchange. Our ships will then take on new candidates for training, so we'll have htem ready when we build the next fleet. I'm afraid we lack in what you would call a medical officer - once our growth is finished, we heal terribly. Wrap cuts in a bandaid, dispose of any tissue beyond salvage, that's it. The rest is probably better handled by the ALchemist and 'Hexus rather than a combat fleet anyway."