[hider=Yui Ren][center][color=DAA520][b]NAME[/b] [/color] Lady Lei Xiao Duan-Flendeall of House Flendeall, Fifth Daughter of the Earl of the Silent Narrows, Lady-Commander of the First Regiment Flendeall Guards, Fourth Company (Honorary) [color=DAA520] [b]ALIAS[/b] [/color] Yui Ren [color=DAA520] [b]GENDER[/b] [/color] Female [color=DAA520] [b]AGE[/b] [/color] 35[/center] [hr] [color=DAA520] [center][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/center] [/color] There have always been whispers that the Duan Family had some Elf-blood in it, and Lei’s birth really didn’t do much to dispel them; with her fine boned face, with high cheekbones, slightly pointed ears and almost cat-like slanted honey-brown eyes further added to these scandalous rumors. About the only thing missing was fair skin, instead her skin is a warm brown, more commonly associated with those living near the desert. With the exception of one of her older sisters, she towers over most women, and quite a few men, at somewhere around six foot, and while not super heavily muscled, it is quite obvious that she is extremely fit. Once she used to have her raven black hair twisted up in long elegant braids, but that was another lifetime, now she keeps it cut quite short and right side of her head shaved to prevent any potential accidents with the flash over from her gun. - Under her armour she wears a long-sleeved tunic, some hard wearing pants and tall leather boots. Like all her gear its plain, but very well made; she learned early on not to skimp on the quality of the gear she used. To keep the weather off she has a broad brimmed hat, with the right side of the brim pinned up. [color=DAA520] [center][b]BIO[/b][/center] [/color] The Earldom of the Silent Narrows covers the river valley that leads from the Empire to the Silent Forest and since the Empire’s inception House Flendeall has stood guard at the city of Green Watch against the fell creatures that come from that forest. After the old Earl died childless, Lei’s father Zeng Duan married the Earl’s younger sister Mathera Flendeall to ensure the continuation of the Flendeall bloodline; but to his dismay his wife only produced daughters. As the fifth daughter, Lei knew from a young age that she would most likely be married off to a rich merchant or a lower noble trying to elevate her status, and while she was never thrilled at the idea, she thought that that was the only way of things. Her early life and tutoring was pretty standard for a young noblewoman, lots of etiquette lesion and such, but things took an interesting turn not long after her twelfth birthday. As her birthday was on the same day as the creation of the First Regiment of the Flendeall Guards, the commander (with permission from the Earl) thought it would be a good morale booster the name the young Lady Duan-Flendeall as the (honorary) commander of one of the companies. When Lei visited the men that she was to ‘command’, and saw for the first time, soldiers sparring with swords and practicing with their guns, she found something that she’d never realized she’d been missing. The [i]need[/i] to be a part of that tugged at her until one night after the castle had gone to bed, she slipped from her room and headed to the companies barracks. The first time she went one of the soldiers on duty, firmly but not unkindly, sent her back to her room; after the fifth or sixth time, the commanding [i]officer[/i] relented and let her stay awhile. As time progressed, she’d slip away to the barracks more and more; eventually taking the training masters into instructing her how to use the weapons of the men. She loved the barracks, it was the one place where she felt [i]free[/i]. Back in the castle, there was only her ‘duty’, to marry an acceptable man and then produce heirs for him so that her family could maintain its status. She cared little for all that, her parents and older sisters where largely unknown people to her, their ‘wants’ held no concern; she felt more affection for the nannies that raised her and men of the Fourth Company that treated her like their [i]beloved[/i] little sister or their own headstrong daughter. By her fourteenth year, the talk of marriages began much to her dismay, and while she stalled as best she could, that was only a temporary measure. Still during all this she kept up her clandestine trips to the barracks, and her training. By her sixteenth year, she was one of the top shots, and while she lacked power, she could move and parry to hold her own in a sword fight with most of the actual soldiers. Two more years of this passed before the Earl had finally had enough. During one of his, infrequent, dinners with his family he stated that in two months’ time, Lei was to be married to the son of local wealth merchant, much to Lei’s horror. She’d met the young man in question at a formal party, and he was as petty, shallow and dull as he was ugly. That night when she went to the barracks, she broke down in tears as soon as one of the men ask what was troubling her; the men, her ‘brothers’ were horrified, but like Lei they had no idea of what to do…or even if anything [i]could[/i] be done. At was until the veteran sergeant-at-arms, whom Lei saw as more of a ‘father-figure’ than the Earl, came forward with an idea. To her shock, he told her to run…and that he would help her if she chose to; to a man the rest of the company gave their support as well. As the First Regiment was responsible for patrolling the castle, it was easy for Lei and a small escort, pretending to be another security patrol, to get in and get what few keepsakes she really wanted. Using the servant’s passages they made good time, even after a detour to the Earl’s library, where much to her escorts dismay, she stole a significant purse of soverns and one of his hunting guns and its associated gear; as well as leaving a note full of rather inventive swearing on the blotter. Once they were back to the barracks one of the men, who was the closest to her size, gave some of his clothes to help disguise Lei for the final part. When she tried to pay him for the clothing he refused to accept it, so she just stuffed the soverns into the tunic he was wearing. From there she was smuggled off of castle grounds and out of the cities wall. After a tearful embrace with her old sergeant-at-arms, she set off to the nearest crossroads inn and into the wider world. -- Sixteen years later, she has yet to go anywhere near the Earldom of the Silent Narrows. Using the alias Yui Ren, she’s made her way as an adventurer, bodyguard, hunter, mercenary and about a hundred different other things. The first few years of the ‘real world’ came as a bit of a rude awakening for ‘Yui’ but by now she’s gotten the hang of things. [hr][hr] [color=DAA520] [center][b]FIGHTING STYLE(S)[/b][/center] [/color] Single handed sword fighting Marksmanship [color=DAA520] [center][b]EQUIPTMENT[/b][/center] [/color] [b]Weapons[/b] [list] [*] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/26/fa/68/26fa688dab0ed3ed48909e2936d77d98.jpg]Dagman & Sons Custom breech-loader[/url] [indent][hider=To Load and Fire] [indent]To load, one twists the clock spring mechanism on the right side of the gun backwards, applying tension to the spring and locking the hammer onto the main sear. Then pull the latch on the top of the rifle backwards, and the spring loaded breechblock will pop up and open on a hinge to the left-hand side. Once the rear of the breech is exposed, insert the pre-loaded steel cartridge into the breech, slotting the tab on the rear of the cartridge into the notch on right-hand side. Press the breechblock back into position so it ‘clicks’ and now the weapon is ready. To fire, bring the sights to eye level and pull the rear ‘set’ trigger until it ‘clicks’, the forward ‘hair’ trigger will now fire the gun.[/indent][/hider][/indent] [*] Loaded cartridges (10) [indent][hider=Cartridge] [indent]The steel cartridge is reloadable and contains a small refined Soul Stone harvested from Lesser Salamanders; each Stone is good for ten firings before it needs to be replaced. With a Stone in place, to load a cartridge all one needs to do is pour in a measure of black powder, tamp it, add the wad, then seat the bullet. When the gun fires, the hammer swings up through a notch in the breechblock, where it drives a small point through a hole in the back of the cartridge and into the Stone. The Stone flares when hit, igniting the black powder and propelling the bullet.[/indent][/hider][/indent] [*] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d9/5e/a3/d95ea3c3aa8bef59c47a4571d4653a7b.jpg]Single edged short sword[/url] [/list] [b]Armour[/b] [list] [*] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/27/f2/d5/27f2d5932c3d61e1e48ca88ed92411f2.jpg]Jack-of-plates[/url] [*] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b8/1c/f9/b81cf978efd8ec240edd6f4ee8acc718.jpg]Gambeson[/url] [/list] [b]Gear[/b] [list] [*] [url=https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/KmMAAOSw9hdaNH9x/s-l1600.jpg]Camp knife[/url] [/list] (In Pack) [list] [*] Reloading and cleaning tools [*] Spare Soul Stones for reloads (10) [*] Powder flack [*] Firelighter kit [*] Dried provisions [/list] [hr] [color=DAA520][center][b]SKILLS & ABILITIES[/b][/center][/color] [list] [*] [b]Tracker[/b] – Having taken many jobs to hunt both men and beasts, she’s learned over the years, and from those willing to teach, how to find and follow beings as they move through the world. [*] [b]Bush Cook[/b] – If you live a life on the move and you want to eat [i]good[/i] food, you better learn how to cook. [*] [b]Smiling Politely[/b] – She may be long gone from that life, but the ‘manners and etiquette’ lessons that were drilled into her as a girl are still there and have come in handy on those occasions where she has had dealings with the ‘Upper Class’. [*] [b]Singer[/b] – A little used talent of hers. She has, according to others, a rather wonderful singing voice, though it take some special circumstances, and usually some alcohol, to get her to actually sing. [/list] [hider=Other] [list]1. Listen to the GM(s), If you have a complaint tell me. I am not an evil dictator and if I am wrong I will admit it. 2. Romance and Gore allowed, But keep it in good taste and in site rules 3. Now not all characters will play nice with each other I understand that, but keep the disputes in the RP not in OOC 4. Be civilized and polite please 5. All basic RP rules apply to this roleplay: Power playing, Meta gaming, and others are not allowed. 6. The story isn't exactly set, If you have an idea for a mission feel free to pm me the details and I'll try to work it in. 7. Copy the rules into a Hider in the "other" of your cs so I know you read them. 8. Get into your character's skin become him or her as you are playing have fun and give us insight into their thoughts. 9. Try to keep active, in both the IC and OOC pages please. And even if you don't have anything to say, at least read the OOC[/list][/hider][/hider]