[color=gray][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180319/5eefe15f7c576cbf0f534479642ad100.png[/img][/center][hr]Klaus got a message from Jared that stated that both of the places were being secured - or at least, the one at the border was. The one in Korven was being evacuated and he reported that he could see some from The Unseen helping out. It had been burnt down to the ground - completely - leaving many homeless for now. After interaction with some of the Unseen members, it had become known that they were going to take them in and put them in a temporary shelter. Klaus was rather impressed at how quickly they mobilized, but then again, this was a rather big gang. He ordered Jared and his team to pull out soon after that. There would be no need to extend their help to these people. Besides, even if he were planning on helping them out more than that, he wasn't sure if he could afford to take in more at the current state of the Korven Barracks. It had been stamped as full, and he doubted any of them would be willing to live in Lisden despite the security of the place. He wouldn't blame them. Despite everything, it was still in Lisden - and he knows fully well just how dangerous Lisden is. Now, he had his work phone pressed onto his ear - listening to the drone one of his members complain to him about the current state of the business. It was mostly technical stuff that could be easily resolved and Klaus had to stop himself from telling the man off. It would be for the best if he didn't anger one of his board members. However, as the man continued to speak, his personal phone began to ring rather loudly. A blessing in disguise isn't it? [b][color=9e0b0f]"Stop right there Harvey. This is one of our clients, I have to take it."[/color][/b] He smoothly lied. [b][color=f7976a]"B-But sir-"[/color][/b] Before he could speak any further, Klaus cut the phone call short. He let out a disgruntled sigh and rubbed his temples. What a pain. He then picked up his personal phone and was rather surprised to see his daughter's name as the caller ID. If he wasn't mistaken, his last real interaction with her was little over a year ago. Yes, he was aware that this wasn't ideal, but she was already a big girl herself and she would come if she wanted to talk. Was that how parenting work? Klaus wasn't really sure. As per usual, Klaus answered. What kind of person would he be if he ignored his own? Surely, nothing humane. He would be no better than his own parents if he ignored his daughter. Right? There was a small pause between him answering and him speaking. [b][color=9e0b0f]"Hello, Anastasia."[/color][/b] He started before pausing again as he leaned back on the sofa. [b][color=9e0b0f]"How have you been?"[/color][/b] He questioned after a while. Of course, he has been following whatever news featured her as a supportive parent should be, but those news articles rarely tell the truth - just as his own words often get distorted by some journalists out there. [/color] [@SuperNova9000]