The year is 2219, Humanity no longer exists on earth. Earth has long since vanished due to what has been referred to as the Digital Apocalypse. Humanities fascination and addiction to electronics and internet having lead to their downfall, digimon once considered just games and toys were unleashed on humanity after a wayward scientist figured how to make them real. The digimon unleashed on the world quickly took over but were fought off by humans known as the digidestined, finding a way off of earth and into the digital world to confront the scientist, the digidestined waged war and won in a year long battle. Humanity along the way having to take refuge and eventually live in the digital world. Human's allowed to live how they wished to live in every aspect. As the digital age approaches its 150th year of existence the digidestined continue to live despite their incredible age. [center][color=00aeef]Digimon: Into The Digital Age[/color][/center] Digidestined Name: Age(when entering the digital world): Digimon Partner: Digidestined Appearance: Digidestined Biography: Additional Info(Optional): Original Digimon are welcomed so feel free to create one if you wish(message me if you need or want help). Each digimon should be a different element, fire, water, ice, lightning, wind and dark.