[hider=BIC Asset Number 1469. Designation 'Mother May I?'. Input security credentials:] [Center][color=gray]Credentials Accepted[/color][/center] [Center][i][b]BIC Number 1469[/b][/i] [b]Object Class- Euclid[/b][/Center] [b]Special Containment Procedures[/b] BIC 1469-1 is to kept in a level 3 storage containment unit which will be under security watch. In the event of a resurrection event all personel are to evacuate the area with cameras turned off between BIC 1469-1's Chamber and BIC 1469-2 containment cell. Personnel will not return to their duty stations until BIC 1469-2 is confirmed to be residing within its cell [s]BIC 1469-2 is to kept in a 5x5x5 room composed entirely of plexi-glass walls. Beyond these walls are to be set up no less than 16 4k LCD TVs set to different channels at max volume with redundant power supplies and weekly cheeks to ensure that all televisions are functioning.[/s] See Incident 1469-I-1 Presently BIC 1469-2 has shown to be cooperative to Bureau procedures and operations and has voiced a desire to assist in its activities. BIC 1469-2 must be monitored at all times by MTF Iota, Mama's Boys, when outside of Bureau controlled areas. Anyone who has undergone more than ten minutes interaction with BIC 1469-2 must be taken in for questioning and administered Class C Amnesiacs. [b][i]Description[/i][/b] BIC 1469-1 is a stylized Iron Maiden with historians tracing back to early 9th century Austria. BIC 1469-1 is 2.4 metters tall and is lined with rusted brass spikes on its interior. Regardless of time, the spikes always seem to be covered in trace amounts of human blood and tissue. DNA tests are inconclusive. The interior wall is riddled with sigils that seemed to be scratched by human finger nails. The sigils match some runes found in the demon tongue with others that have no known analogue. BIC 1469-1 is impervious to any additional damage. BIC 1469-1 will always close upon the death of BIC 1469-2 and will anomalously fill with human blood and viscera. When BIC 1469-1 opens BIC 1469-2 walks out with all damage removed, regardless of manner of death. BIC 1469-2 is a humanoid entity composed entirely of twisting muscle tissue inlaid in plates of bone like ceramic in a vaguely female shape. BIC 1469-2 is fully sentient and sapient and capable of higher functions and communications. BIC 1469-2 is capable of speaking over a dozen known languages and speaks with a slight French accentuation. [hider=BIC 1469-2. The other subjects are cult priests wearing stylized robes.] [Center][url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/227f/f/2017/082/6/0/elesh_norn__grand_cenobite_by_sergeydulin-db3931l.jpg]Photo link[/url] (Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite :¦: By Homoseptimus)[/Center] [/hider] [b]Designation:[/b] Mother Aliya [b]Age:[/b] Questions regarding it's age are inconclusive. If it is theorized to be a possessed human in a demonic form, it's current age would be 18. For more information see history. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] BIC 1469-2 is a type of unknown demon due to several bits of evidence to suggest its hellish origin. [b]Sub-Class:[/b] BIC 1469-2 is the first seen of its type and can only be classed under the hellion specification. Exact sub class investigations are currently ongoing. [b]Anatomy:[/b] BIC 1469 size ranges from 2.1 to 4 meters, as it limbs can seemlessly fold in on themselves with appropriate hands and feet appearing at the proper joints. BIC 1469-2 also seems to have a cloak of red, but upon testing this is actually a layer of skin that seems entirely at BIC 1469-2 control as if it was another limb. The red muscle tissue of BIC-1469-2 is incredibly fragile, and noticable bleeding occurs at even the lightest of pressure. In comparison, the boney plates act as a type of armor, and crack like ceramic clay. BIC 1469-2 is able to heal its own wounds when entering a dormant state. It is unknown whether the following aspects are inherent to it's sub-class, or whether they are part of the nature of possession or if they are personal quirks of BIC 1469-2's individuality. 1. Human infants seem to confuse BIC 1469-2. The presence of a human infant under 2 years of age puts BIC 1469-2 in a dormant state as it will just watch the infant. Likewise, a crying child seems to cause BIC 1469-2 severe distress and will attempt to remove itself as quickly as able, fighting violently if necessary. Children are to be monitored for personality disorders in future years. 2. BIC 1469-2 can be tempted with what it signifies as a new experiences and seems to have a propensity for responding favorably to clothes. BIC 1469-2 becomes suggestible when offered such, allowing for easier control. 3. BIC 1469-2 reacts to sensations in inconsistent and unexpected ways. Sensations include anything having to do with the five senses as humans recognize them. Violence becomes interpreted as sexual advancement. Pain from puncture wounds become doothing. Music takes on certain smells. Soft becomes hot. Vanilla scents end up with burst eardrums. Perceptions and how humans can recognize them seems to change while within her area of effect which currently known is limited into what she can perceive. This effect seems to spread to the environment the longer BIC 1469-2 remains in a single area. See abilities below. 4. BIC 1469-2 main motivation is to experience everything it can, regardless of social norms or current situation making it inconsistent at best to predict its actions. Additionally BIC 1469-2 cannot seem to acknowledge or understand the concept of death. It has actively spoke its desire to experience death and has on several occasions been convinced to self-terminate. This is only a temporary solution. 5. BIC 1469-2 disrupts perceptions and will invariably look like someone that the observer knows that enacts an emotional response. This is not an exact copy, its only an uncanny look alike. BIC 1469-2 will not become the same person even when meeting the same target observer more than once in a 23 hour period. Extended interactions of more than 10 minutes with BIC 1469-2 changes the emotional relationship the target has to person BIC 1469-2 looked like. The change invariably leads to a strengthening of that emotion, where annoyance becomes hate, or interest become obsessive lust. Direct interactions with BIC 1469-2 must be kept to a minimum due to this side effect. [b]History:[/b] BIC 1469-2 was first discovered in [REDACTED] on [REDACTED] after a string of murders arose across central Europe. The deaths all had to do with murder suicide all with the MO of sexual sadism. This quickly lead to a cult of hedonists known as the Children of the Flesh. While there are no central control individuals, several small sects seemed to appear at once in several areas. Each sect was infiltrated until BIC 1469-2 was discovered and contained. Following interviews with cult members were able to produce at time line and led to the discover and acquisition of BIC 1469-1. Video has been discovered recording the event. Currently video is going through digital enhancement for accurate quality. The following events of the video taken on [REDACTED] have been transcribed. [11:33:15] Children of the Flesh begin the ceremony with the priests dawning stylized robes. It takes place in the commons of the church with use of the altar. Other cult members begin to disrobe and slather themselves in blood that is passed around by the priests in white buckets. [11:39:22] Candles are lit for room to have the same brightness and electric lights are turned off. [11:42:48] Cult Leader and four other priests take their place at the head of the altar leading the congregation in a hymn that lasts exactly 72 minutes. [00:54:48] Hymn is stopped and crowd goes silent. 1469-1 is then dragged to the take the place of the central altar. Leader begans to ritually scar the priests and splash the crowd with the blood upon the knife. [01:00:07] 1469-1 is opened while horizontal. A pig, a goat, and a cow are brought in, all of their throats sliced over 1469-1. Cult leader leads congregation in prayer. The word mother is used 23 times. [01:03:16] 1469-1 is set upright. A juvenile male and female, both nude, are dragged from opposite ends of the altar towards 1469-1. Cult priests proceed to [REDACTED] the male and [REDACTED] the female. Pieces are then hung on an interior spike of 1469-1. The identities of both victims are unknown. [01:08:20] Juvenile male and female both inturred into 1469-1 and the door is forced closed. Difficulty is shown to completely close 1469-1 as the space is not large enough for two bodies. Door is closed completely through application of force. [01:11:11] Congregation begins to engage in ritualistic [REDACTED] [01:23:23] 1469-1 opens and 1469-2 steps out at its full height. There is no sign of either victims. Screaming could be heard off screen as picture quality begins to fade. [01:24:15] Congregation begins to engage in [REDACTED] resulting in 9 deaths and 14 injuries on the scene. [01:32:43] Camera is knocked over and recording ends. The video camera was found following a fire that took place at the church and taken into BIC Custody. 1469-1 and 1469-2 were not present. Acquisition and containment of 1469-2 occured when 1469-1 was uncovered within a storage container owned by the Children of the Flesh leader. 1469-2 appeared in BIC facility from 1469-1 six days later after 1469-1 was contained. Containment procedures for 1469-2 were then established following lockdown of facility. No significant casualties were reported as 1469-2 became enthralled with security station monitors for enough time to enact containment procedures. Incident 1469-I-1: On [REDACTED] at 0535, televisions within 1469-2 Containment Chamber were primarily playing infomercials and Live News Feeds on multiple stations. On the LNTV station which was broadcasting their live broadcast, the anchorman suddenly began to laugh uncontrollably while dis-robing on camera. The anchorman's skin had shown signs of blistering similar to 3rd Degree Sunburn. The transmission had been quickly disconnected. Class D Amnesiacs were administered to the relatively low viewership. Theorized that 1469-2 area of effect translates to anything that can be presently perceived, even through television and possible radio signals. Containment protocols have been updated to include only pre-recorded videos and television shows. Approximately 23 hours following a change to containment procedures, BIC 1469-2 used her ability to create matter to inflict significant damage to her containment chamber and a containment breach was initiated. Re-containment was reestablished less than an hour later by using of D-Class personal to establish contact. When interviewed, 1469-2 expressed a desire to engage in communication with personnel and has offered her services if such desires are fulfilled. Initial request was denied. This decision was over turned following an evaluation with several Level 4 researchers. It has been noted that these researchers have spent close to an hour interviewing 1469-2 and the possibility that they are compromised by BIC 1469-2 has been suggested but no other behavioral abnormalities have been observed. [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] [u]Empath[/u] - BIC 1469-2 seems to be able to subtly detect and alter the emotions of others and directly adjust their emotional connections. After experiencing this reaction, Victims have been driven to self harming depression, near catatonic malaise, or murderous frenzy. BIC 1469-2 is capable of targeting crowds of people with the same emotion. This is common when BIC 1469-2 is openly attacked, but it is highly unlikely that this reaction is due to a desire for self defense. BIC 1469-2 seems to react positively to the chaos it causes. [u]Matter Creation [/u]- BIC 1469-2 has on occasion become active and violent to stimuli. BIC 1469-2 is capable of manifesting implements that always resemble items commonly associated with pain, torture, misery or confinement. Invariably, part of these implements will come from within BIC 1469-2 or through it. Damage inflicted to BIC 1469-2 by use of this ability immediately heals. As of now, all observed materials resemble rusted brass but objects disappear before analysis can be completed. [u]Perception Tampering[/u] - As stated above, how things feel and react to outside stimuli become inconsistent with scientific laws in BIC 1469-2 area of effect. Recorded detrimental effects have been smooth surfaces causing deep lacerations. Singing that brings intense itching. Even sipping a coffee resulted in the researcher becoming uncontrollably addicted to eating paper that quoted 18th century poetry. This by far represents BIC 1469-2 most dangerous capability because it is completely random and limits hard to ascertain and it seems to be a passive effect to BIC 1469-2 presence. Keeping BIC 1469-2 distracted with new stimuli and setting tasks for it to engage in keeps these effects to a minor or negligible level. [u]Immortal [/u]- Enough damage to BIC 1469-2 will kill it, the muscles turn to dust and the plates crack and fall to the floor. Within 23 minutes, BIC 1469-2 will emerge from BIC 1469-1 in a termed resurrection event. [b]Notable Belongings:[/b] BIC 1469-2 keeps a small collection of trinkets in its containment chamber. BIC 1469-2 calls these trinkets her "Lovers Gifts." regardless of any interactions BIC 1469-2 makes. How BIC 1469-2 acquires these random items are currently unknown. [/hider]