[quote=@Dusksong] [@balthazar007] Question 1: has everyone from the Pokemon world been transported over? Or just some? Could, say, only part of my character's family have been transported over? Question 2: What are prospects of returning the trainers who've been transported over? Are they stuck on Earth, or are they just helping to establish Earth's trainer system as their return is engineered? [/quote] Answer 1: All TRAINERS and PROFESSORS have been transported over. People that just kept Pokemon as pets or companions are not transported over. In other words, unless everyone in your character's family was also an active Pokemon trainer, they won't all be around. Answer 2: More of the latter. They are helping to establish Earth's trainer system while their return is being engineered. At least, that is the goal. They still don't know if it is possible... and I haven't decided whether it will be possible or not. So for now, we can let that uncertainty build internal conflict within the Pokemon world characters.