"The war is lost. Our nation, the last beacon of hope in the region, will not last. We cannot expect reinforcements from other nations. Silence has driven the waves. The enemy will encroach upon us. Every man, woman, and child will fight to the last breath to defend what we have created. We will barter with nations, we will attempt to save what we can. All that we know and all that we love will come crashing down. I can only offer my sympathies to my people and promise them that the future will be bright when this will be the end of our reign. This is truly our darkest hour." - [i]Leader Aralis Heinder speaking to his officials in the war room "Varalis", 583 L.E.[/i] The premise is this: Our nation has fought in the great war which has torn the continent apart and our nation is the last of an alliance which has desperately been trying to reach out to a continent from across the seas to aide them in their time of need. The isolationist, however, does not wish to join arms. Soldiers can be either gender and their age for conscription will gradually whittle down from 16 as the war continues to go downward. For reference, the conscription age started at 18 and has been lowering by 1 year with every projected major loss. The nation we will be rping can be a number of ideologies although I will personally lean towards a nationalist oriented country. Preferred options include: Democracy, Monarchy, Republic, Autocracy, Custom (We will discuss how it works more or less.) [b]Note: Nationalism does not equate to fascism. Fascism is an extreme form of nationalism that is aggressive and abuses the spirit of the populist to garner support.[/b] [edit] Forgot to include the map. Here it is. I may expand it out to a more world map or something but I'd like to get people first. [img]https://puu.sh/zVQoh/7cf9aad0ae.png[/img] Q&A General goals for RP: 1. Civilians RPers will assist the military where possible and live life best they can. They can also take on the roles of partisans. 2. Military RPers will keep the enemy at bay with the hopeless situation. 3. Diplomat RPers will attempt to negotiate a peace with the enemy nations as well as the neutral super power in an attempt to save the nation without sacrificing too much. They will always bring back information to the DM who will be rping the leader of the thread to discuss how to save it. [hider=Do I need to know military tactics to roleplay as an officer?] No. As it stands the nation is conscripting people at a rapid rate and it is likely that you, as an officer, will be trained a bit better than your peers on how to use your weapon and general understanding of taking caution in battle but you are not a proper officer. You are given a uniform, a gun, and a book on how to be an officer in your own language. You could also have been promoted from the frontlines from something like a private because of how desperate they are for a chain of command with the best of the army mostly being eliminated in conflict and abandonment. [/hider] [hider=What kind of horrors?] Nightmares, PTSD/Shellshock, death of friends, loss of cities, more or less the tragedies of war and while we will include the ideas of the more disgusting atrocities we will not directly RP them or imply them too often as the focus is not there and it is distasteful. We will probably not focus too much on the atrocities and more on the defeat for the general purpose of keeping things on a lighter tone but I am not against the atrocities being something that your character keeps in their head or acts out on. People are human and they have their limits. [/hider] [hider=How many rpers do you need?] In reality I could function with a 1x1 but the preference would be to have at least 2 people outside of myself and probably a maximum of 8 rpers outside of myself. The ideal is probably 4-6 without Co-DM. [/hider] [hider=Co-DM?] If we have enough people and someone seems passionate enough with the right ideas on how I'd want things to go. I'd more or less be talking with you in PMs on things and you could direct how one group's direction will go. I will be relying on you for that kind of thing as well as discussing stuff like world building and map making more frequently. [/hider] [hider=Will you work more on the map?] Absolutely, but I'll probably want a minimum of 3 rpers to join before I consider doing that. [/hider] [hider=Can I RP someone from an opposing/neutral nation?] I would want to keep this as a no unless we exceed a number of players. The point of the thread is to keep things focused on the tragic defeat of the nation and having too many people on the winning side at once is not particularly favorable towards that theme. I know that there are ways to incorporate such things from the enemy's perspective but this thread is focused primarily focused on telling the story of this nation from its perspective. [/hider] [hider=What is the name of the nations or even the continents?] There is no given name yet because I don't want to invest so deeply into the thread if nobody wants to join. [/hider] [hider=Discord Server?] Not until we've got a minimum. This would be the preferred method of communication, however. [/hider] [hider=When will the war be lost?] I'll put up an estimation every once in a while based on events and days that pass. [/hider] [hider=Will there be any victories on our end?] Yes. Your group might even have many. However, remember that by the end of the thread the war will be lost. If diplomacy ends in peace without total loss of land then performance will lessen the losses of territory but the group will only affect so much of this percentage. [/hider] [hider=Technology?] We will discuss that here but I'd say everything you saw in the second world war is up for use. [/hider] --- Now Will be the part where I discuss any quesitons you might have regarding the thread.