[center][b]Digidestined Name:[/b] Raven (Akira Kaitou) [b]Age(when entering the digital world):[/b] 17 [b]Digimon Partner:[/b] [url=https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/e70e2831bacb857df8359957e1375f83/5B2E5761/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/27580318_144926236195216_9042023077210226688_n.jpg]Falcomon[/url] [b]Digidestined Appearance:[/b] [img]https://t00.deviantart.net/lgU-15pNjo7VvSRvBy3FJ-tzoMo=/fit-in/300x900/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre00/14e5/th/pre/f/2017/364/f/d/midnight_love__akira_kurusu_joker_x_reader__by_skystar54-dbtzd0j.jpg[/img] [b]Digidestined Biography:[/b] When one has lived for about fifty or sixty years longer than they naturally should have, it becomes easier and easier to lose your earliest memories as they are replaced with new ones. Raven has somewhat mitigated the issue by keeping a memoir he frequently updates with his latest thoughts and experiences. It's not the best fix in the world, but at least it's better than nothing. According to Raven's memoirs, he was a somewhat ostracized kid back in the original human world. Early on he was branded a troublemaker and a dangerous sort of person to hang around, but for the life of him Raven just can't seem to remember why. Well in any case the Digital World was practically a second chance at life for him, and he took to it almost too easily. He formed an unbreakable bond of trust with his partner, Falcomon. Even the other Digidestined became like a surrogate family over time. But when all was said in done, time did what it did best. It kept marching forward, and as it did so Kaitou drifted further and further from his old friends. When years became decades, Kaitou decided to look for ways to stifle his increasing boredom and soon came up with a rather interesting game to play. He disappeared, seeming to fall off the grid and instead adopted the mantle of a phantom thief, eventually rebranding himself with a new name: Raven. Raven keeps his history as a Digidestined to himself mostly. In fact, he's content to let everyone believe he's just a masked thief. After all, what fun would be had if everyone knew of his former reputation and feared him for it? Or worse, what if they just let him get away with his thefts [i]because[/i] of it? Becoming a thief was to alleviate boredom, not invite more of it after all. So that's what Raven/Kaitou has been up to all this time. All but abandoning his former mantle as a Digidestined and instead striking forth as a supposedly uncatchable phantom thief.[/center]