[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/cute-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180402/aab270d056f9d9202d806dca34fe3d7b.png[/img][/url][/center] The past day and a half had been but a blur. Her travel to Drakken lands after the man who should have been her father shunned her, the lessons both from the Speech Drakken and the ones on childbirth and religion and now here she was in the springs. It was almost unbearably hot for her. Hestia had come from a fairly temperate climate and had never heard of hot springs before. Her foot was burned from her first day and she was hesitant to get into the hot water. She watched fellow Gems hop into the water with glee. Hestia did not like the idea of being naked in front of so many people. However, the thought of being clean enticed her. She found a fairly secluded spot and removed her towel. She bathed quickly, lathering in soap, rinsing, and hoping out right away. She pulled the towel around her before venturing out into more public territory. She sat at the end of one of the smaller, uninhabited springs. She let her legs dangle into the water, coming up to knee height. At first, the heat of the water burned her ankle but it soon after passed as she got used to the temperature. She enjoyed watching the other girls bathe, play and laugh. Though if she caught too much sight of skin she would look down into the murky mineral water and blush. It had seemed all too short before a Drakken man entered the room and bellowed for them all to leave. Hestia put up no resistance. The tall Gem was one of the first to the door. She waited for her sisters to line up before they were led away. The fact she was wet caused the cool air of the world outside to see that much colder. By the time she reached her room, she was shivering and her lips were blue. She dressed in the clothes the Drakken had given her. The dress that had been laid out on the bed was a soft forest green. It was cut quite low and fit snuggly against her thin, frail-looking figure. It made her feel a bit like a starved cat in beautiful wrapping paper. It was much nicer and cleaner than the wear she had travelled in. Oldrin had never given her more than burlap sacks to sew together for dresses. She also had no possessions to speak of. Oldrin had let her take nothing and practically shoved her out of the door and into the arms of her captors. As one of the first girls ready she allowed herself to be steered into a carriage and bore the long journey to meet her husband. She prayed and wished that he would be kinder than Oldrin had been. But in the end, she did not have very high hopes. Her life was in another's hands and she had never known any different. [hider=Summary] Hestia catches up to the current times and is rather boring. She is ashamed of hers and other's nakedness. She is overly warm in the springs but enjoys herself none the less. Like a sheep, she is herded to meet her husband. [/hider]