The shuttle ride was nice. Some bits and pieces of awkward silence every now and then but nothing Tobi didn't care about. He was humming to himself most of the time anyway. His visor remained red the entire time of the ride. After stepping one the shuttle, he took his weapons down to maintenance. The gasps of over crew members as Tobi walked by did not concern him in the slightest. He walked over to a small station table and began to take his weapons apart to clean them. He was well isolated from most of the people in the area. That was until SAL approached him and said they needed to speak in tech lab. Tobi turned and looked at SAL. [color=red]Why do we need to go to the tech lab? I've done a good job of killing the hostile forces. I'm sure that's much more than any simulation could show....Ah well. Sure, but I should probably get cleaned up first. I can tell a lot of people don't like the new coat of paint. Just give me a moment and I'll be there.[/color] Tobi took his time in maintenance getting cleaned off. Bits of viscera and be covered in blood made cleaning rather tedious. After the cleaning was done however, Tobi headed directly to the Tech Lab. Tobi entered the tech lab and looked at SAL. He then sent a private message through his A.I. directly to SAL's private messaging server. [color=red]Normally, a quiet tone coming from an A.I. like you or me is very serious. Do I need to kill someone on this vessel?[/color]