I went ahead and stated the full line, starting with Fresh should they be needed. Digidestined Name: Axel Williams Age(when entering the digital world): 17 Digimon Partner: Puttimon -> Kyupimon -> Kudamon -> Reppamon -> Chinrinmon -> Kentarusmon Digidestined Appearance: Golden blonde hair in a straight shag. Grey eyes, skinny jeans, Green V-neck Digidestined Biography: Before everything happened, Axel normally kept to himself. He wasn't exactly a big fan of other people in general. Many people he had been close to had left or betrayed him. After entering the Digital World, and meeting his partner, Axel did his best to minimize his interactions with other people, Axel needs other people more than he is willing to admit, However, Axel is loyal to those he comes to trust Additional Info(Optional):