A buddy and I are going to make a mod for a game, but it's going to be hard to brain storm all these ideas or scenarios. Please pick from any of these traits with a combination up to 3. If you feel like helping out, please do so!! Please make it short, up to 1 paragraph. Medieval time year 750-1200, just use generic stuff, you are a ruler. Try to avoid titles, since you can become a count, duke, king, or emperor. [hider=Example]You walk into a bar and immediately hear two men shouting at each other. One has a cup and throws it at the guy. Wroth & Lunatic - You charge into the fray and stab a guy with a fork and pulls out the eye, taking a bite. Being naturally enticed by violence your body reacted. The other guy looks at you with a worried expression and says, “Please, no more.” and runs away. -------------------- Lunatic & Paranoid - You walk outside and see a cute courtier looking out at the purple evening sky, mentally preparing to jump to her death. You rush to save her, but end up tripping over a stone and falling over the edge of the wall. You fall through this woman realizing it was a hallucination as you plummet to your death. [/hider] [hider=Traits]Wounded Stressed Scarred Renowned Physician Possessed Maimed Lunatic Infirm Incapable Drunkard Depressed Disfigured Mangled One-Eyed One-Handed One-Legged Severely Injured Bastard Child of Concubine Legitimized Bastard Attractive Genius Quick Strong Clubfooted Dwarf Harelip Hunchback Imbecile Inbred Lisp Slow Stutter Ugly Weak Brawny Dull Frail Shrewd Administrator Architect Duelist Game Master Gardener Hedonist Hunter Impaler Master Schemer Master Seducer Master Seductress Mystic Scholar Socializer Strategist Theologian Celibate Falconer Poet Chaste Temperate Charitable Diligent Patient Kind Humble Lustful Gluttonous Greedy Slothful Wroth Envious Proud Ambitious Arbitrary Brave Content Craven Cruel Cynical Deceitful Erudite Gregarious Honest Just Paranoid Shy Stubborn Trusting Zealous Eunuch Cannibal Blinded Homosexual Lover's Pox[/hider]