Name: Gavlan Gurtrek Age: 19, looking 30 height: 4feet weight: 215 pounds of muscle appearance: Gavlan is a short and stocky little man, barely of age to drink, but you would never know it! Built like a keg he sports a strong mass of upper body muscle and powerful legs, his gut is round but misleading. A mass of knotted muscle. His physical features are impressive by themselves but what really catches people off guard is the long black beard stretching down his face all the way down to his belly button. Immaculately groomed and combed it even glistens in the light, so silky smooth and flowing it is. Shining metal bands tie up the hanging hair, dazzling silver with gold filigree. Personality: Gavlan embraces his physiques uniqueness, saying he was born a dwarf and mimicking what he believes their behavior would be. Usually that means he's loud, proud, and stubborn. As dependable as they come, once you've earned the lads loyalty you've all but made a friend for life. That doesn't mean he kisses your butt all the time, not in the slightest. Gavlan will tell you when you're making a proper jackass of yourself and hopes others will tell him that too. background: Born short, growing up short, being called short, all of it really burned him. Hurt him that he was short. Bingeing on fantasy novels to avoid other people he was quick to learn of Dwarves in fantasy literature and decided that if he was going to be a Dwarf in stature, he should be a dwarf in all other areas too! The strangest part was his genetics let it happen. Muscle came easy to him and a long beard was quick to follow, sprouting upon his face like a jungle by the time he was 16 and became a point of great pride for himself. ability: Immunity to intoxicants. There exists no poison strong enough to lay him low, his body digesting it with utter indifference. Fun Facts: Loves to read. Enjoys working with his hands. Loves to drink despite never getting drunk. Has his own furnace and frequents the metal shop. Has a polished steel helmet that he likes to wear. Will absolutely fight you if you call him a gnome.