[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5T0iTK3.gif[/img] [color=9e0b0f][h1] Roy Kusayanagi [/h1][/color] [/center] Surprised with Kaidas respone, Roy's pace slowed down to the point he was lacking behind the pack. It was certaintly an excuse since she had been acting strange since before Sarge popped up. Since she said he couldn't come... and then it finally clicked. [color=9e0b0f]"Is she trying to avoid me?"[/color] The blonde stopped walking as he took in the reality of the situation, it made his stomach sink. The fact that the situation that happened over the weekend still weighing heavily in the mind. Surely he would have to make it up to her someway somehow as soon as possible and definietly before Dulga can come and screw things over for him. It was the right thing to do, he wouldn't be able to focus if she was purposefuly avoiding him. Roy let out a deep sigh, [color=9e0b0f]"Highschool is stressful"[/color]. After his thinking session he realized how far back he was, immediately he picked up his pace to a speed walk but was still noticeably distant from the group as he surveyed the city of Hosu more closely. Today was a pretty nice day to be honest, Roy was quite unbothered by the amount of solar energy he had absorbed. Though he was distance he still picked up on their conversation on ramen in which he chuckled to himself at how much vitality Michiko had for the soup. He hadn't had ramen in a while and all this talk about it was starting to make him hungry. [@Riegal][@Aerandir][@Heartfillia] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7amQeAf.jpg[/img] [color=8493ca][h1] Persia Hayashida [/h1][/color] [/center] Persia was wrong if she thought the situation couldn't become more awkward, just great! Now she just looks craz- The brunette looked up at Ruby seeing the cat ears and tail. Those are real?! No wonder she declined! She thought those ears were just for show but once her tail started wailing through the air she came to the realization that Ruby might have thought the she was trying to make fun of her. Her face as red like an apple as she began apologizing. [color=8493ca]"N-No i-i-its fine, I am sorry for being so dense!"[/color] She waved her hands through the air frantically, before bowing her head in forgivness...the two fell into an awkward silence. At this rate Ruby would just leave and this would probably be the last time she would see her. She couldn't let that happen, she had already reached the path of no return. Persia looked back at Ruby with a determined look on her face. She really wanted Ruby to see the view and feel the breeze. [color=8493ca]"Wait! What if I can get you up the tree without you having to climb it? Even though we just met, do you trust me enough?"[/color] The brunette took a few steps closer towards Ruby and she didn't plan on taking no for an answer. [@Melpaws]