[quote=@Tyler Night] absolutely. That Mega and Ultimate is awesome. [/quote] Yeah I like them too ( didn't make them though), which is why I'm using this line [hr] Digidestined Name: Danny Brown Age(when entering the digital world): 15 Digimon Partner: [url=https://garmmon.deviantart.com/art/Arkrimon-and-babies-141189511]Arkrimon[/url] Digidestined Appearance: Even after being in the digital world, and thus constantly traveling and not always finding a lot of food, for over a 100 years Danny is still slightly overweight. He also has short brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a [url=https://imgs3.forfansbyfans.com/image/cache/data/productimages/Homestuck/MensOuterwear/16/MHK242HD1_Hero-of-Breath-Pullover-Hoodie2_LBL-1000x1000.jpg]blue hoodie[/url] and black jeans. Digidestined Biography: Naturally Danny doesn't remember much of his life in the "real" world and as a result doesn't miss it a lot, though sometimes he likes to think back on what he does remember. He prefers to avoid any unnecessarily hard work, but doesn't always notice the easiest/ most efficient way of doing things. Additional Info(Optional):