[h1] [color=Fuchsia] [center] Katya [/center] [/color] [/h1] [hr] Even since her chat with Jake and Maria, Katya spent most of her free time doing work on Caretaker. Finding it helped keep her mind of Elora and Serah. Although more so Elora, Katya finds herself worrying about the young pilot enough that at times it distracted her. Causing her to make mistakes, hoping that she was not suffering too much. Even if Katya felt deep down Elora could handle whatever Lorenzo put her thought she still was concerned and continued to dwell on what Elora had tell her on board the NOAH. But Katya had no idea how to look into the matter. Although she had sent a little time going over the database of known Cruxi units. When the invite to the party came Katya had sent some time wondering if she should even go. Looking at the invite on her tablet during a lunch break she was sharing with one of the engineers assigned to Caretaker. A fellow Kromm native who Katya had formed a friendship with. Someone Katya had shared quite a few details of her thoughts and feelings with. So talked to her about it. By the time that conversation came to an end, Katya had decided to go and she would even try to let down her hair a little more. Having become aware some of the squad might have seen her a little serious. Given she didn’t really do much with most of them beyond talk. Katya feeling she needed to keep some level of distance from her squadmates in order just in case she ever had to make hard calls involving them or something happened. So when it came time to get ready, she figured she take the chance to dress in her casual clothes. Figuring if she going to a party she’d let her hair down and try to have a little fun. After all its not like they got to have parties all that often. It would be nice not to have to worry about anything other than having a little bit of fun. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/59/6b/de/596bdea35b543c625afaf7eb3e2ceffb.jpg]Katya put on something she figured would be good.[/url] A blend of her clothes she had brought with her and had acquired since joining the squad. Katya enjoying being able to acquire things she simply could not back home. Although it made her think just how isolated her home outpost was. In the grand scheme of things. She shook her head and sighed. Hoping she’d not be over or under dressed give. Katya had little idea how she should dressed for a party like this given back home gathers people just wore whatever they liked. Which most the time was worn or dirty clothes. Katya hoping her attire would be okay given beyond her dress uniform this was the nicest thing she had. After a moment spent convincing herself it would be fine she sprayed her hair with something she brought with her from home that made it shimmer a little in the light. Something she liked and she hoped it might get the particular attention pair of boys or at very least one of them. Thinking that would be enough Katya headed down to the party being one of the last to arrive she quietly slipped in finding Arrin she greeted him and thanked him for the invite. Before finding a spot out of the way. A little unsure on how of people not form her world did parties. Katya feeling a little uncomfortable so retreated to a wall. Thinking maybe she should not have come. Glancing around the room, she could see somewhere in military dress or a nice dress making her feel under dressed for the party. [h1] [color=Wheat] [center] Valéria [/center] [/color] [/h1] [hr] After the little incident with Elizabeth, Val just went about her duties. Having no care about the red-headed pilot. Val unwilling to admit the woman had annoyed her so took it out on her sparring partner later that day the incident had happened during hand to hand training. When the invite came, Val was trying to meditate on her bed but the sound of her table notifying of her the message disrupted her. The woman jumping and quickly flicking up her hood only to see was only her tablet. Leaving her to swear in her native tongue. As she pulled her hood back down. Rubbing the top of her head as she stood up and grabbed her table. [color=Wheat]“Party? Might be fun I not been to a social event since little brothers birthday.”[/color] Val said to herself having decided she would go. So when it came time she arrived after Zim wearing her normal fatigues having nothing else to wear beyond her dress uniform and doubted it would be needed. Figuring they would be best. Although did change her hood to a red one with a swirl pattern on it that seemed didn’t hug her head as tightly as her military hood. But it covered a little more of her face but if one looked close enough, they could make out the bottom of her ears. Val picking this one out as it was her favourite hood and it was more comfortable then military one. Which she found to be a little starchy on the top of her head. For the party Val did up her face paint with black and gold. The colours that when combined to her own kind meant she could Drawing a gold line down her nose a pair of black handprints over her eyes. A pair of gold lines that started at the edge of her lips run down her jaw until the meet and then down her neck. To her kind, this meant was to help draw attention to her, but keep people eyes away form her eye.. Val not a fan of prolonged eye contact. At the party was quick to greet Ariin and Paladin with bow and [color=Wheat]“thank you for the invite.”[/color] Before taking a moment to investigate the food helping herself to some pizza having fondness for it. With Pizza in hand Val find a wall to proper herself against. For the moment she’d just watch those who come and enjoy her pizza, although she would speak anyone who approached her. Even Elizabeth provided she was more respectful than last their encounter. Otherwise this time she might just have to show that stuck up princess that annoying a Haath soldier was not a good idea. [color=Wheat]“Far too much hair. Damn it’s ugly.”[/color] she muttered pulling of Elizabeth as she started to scan the room.