[quote=@CmdrAlfieq] "Indubitably." agreeing Veilletes Ambassador for attending to the board room. The Veilletes Ambassador follows the Lady to the transport and firmly sitting in place until reached to the destination. [/quote] The transport drives slowly on the pier to the department buildings, probably as a safety precaution and lowkey to let the Veilletes ambassador to take in the sights of this dull and foggy day. In the distance, those workers who were operating the jet lift seem to be handcuffed by uniformed soldiers, but this is partly obscured by the dented jetfighter in front of them. As the transport arrives at the offices, all the soldiers on their way abouts stop and salute the lady as they disembark the transport. She salutes back and the proud soldiers continue on their way. The flag can be seen waving at the top of the building. [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.redditmedia.com/O-dw-KnkBmRa6ijrOYrANqKwwIw4VpRBomeYGJKhz5Y.png?w=1024&s=d21cbbd8f32a026a1c2c62d5c4161073[/img] [/hider] They are brought into a conference room. It's in a modern minimalist design, but the lady seems to have spruced it up. Paintings of the Trogo national flower [i]Gloriosa superba[/i], Tro City castle and Castle Weisswolf adorn the walls on either side. A traditional chandelier hangs from the ceiling with old-fashioned bulbs. A traditional book is left at the head of the long meeting desk. This is quite strange in Trogo society where e-readers emulate the authentic book experience well. Its title is: [quote]Will your Lips Taste the Kiss of Death?[/quote] The Veilletes ambassador and co are encouraged to sit down at the table, as the Lady Anriette does so too, along with what is probably her aide, a young man in a suit to her right and an army officer to her left.