[center][img]http://image.ibb.co/fJAVun/quint.png[/img][/center] Quint did as he was asked and slipped his arm around Esperanza's waist. The scene around them was pandemonium, the chances of finding the little girls parents were slim. He hoped dearly that they weren't caught in the fire. Morvai had enough orphans to speak of, Quint knew too well. He also knew what happened to the kids that didn't make it into an orphanage. Thankfully he had the sound of Esperanza's ambrosia voice to take those morbid thoughts away. They were soon behind the cover of buildings, blocking the sight and some of the sound. Quint couldn't help but be amazed at how Esperanza was handling the situation. He was known to keep his cool while staring down the barrel of guns, but in this instance he was clueless. It was little wonder the kid wasn't completely freaking out, Esperanza just had that effect on people. At last she had convinced Anika to cooperate with them, and she approached Quint with her arms up. He dutifully stooped down to pick her up and she took up a very similar position to how Esperanza had held her. "Well, I guess we'll be doing this the old fashioned way, huh? We've gotta go out into that crowd and find them," Quint turned to speak to the girl in a soft, calm voice, "Don't you worry at all sweetheart. We'll find them." [i]I really hope they're still alive anyway...[/i]