Ryuuji got over himself fairly soon after Masaru's devastating blow to his psyche, cutting in at around the third turn of the duel. "The ruler of the sea is in peril! His field is wide open, up against fierce machines invulnerable to the tides below! Is there a way out of this situation, or will he remain hopeless, ever desti-?" "Shut up." Emi was quick to silence the over-dramatic boy, him sinking back into his seat in silence. The fear of taking his dorm's wrath head on drowned out his need to speak up. Masaru's face held a cocky grin as he stared at the monitor, enjoying the blow to the teacher's lifepoints. Meanwhile, Hyou only got more excited as the duel continued. "Whoa, she uses Pendulum? She's pretty good with them, too!" Hyou commented as Izumi activated her scales from the deck, taking even more interest when she brushed off Wataru's counterattack with ease. Ryuuji perked up at the mention of Pendulum, the cogs in his brain starting to twist and turn. By the end of it, his face twisted into one of horrific realisation. "By the gods... the lady's deck bears resemblance to that of my arch nemesis! If this is the truth, then the worst has yet to come!" The three of them turned their head towards Ryuuji in confusion. As if hit with a wrecking ball, however, they all reached the same epiphany. Izumi re-setting her Pendulum scales was met with tense anticipation. "There's no way..." Masaru mumbled to himself as a drop of sweat rolled down his forehead. The quakes from the summon were intense, with five monsters glistening in the reflection of the ocean. Amazement filled the eyes of the other three as Masaru watched in shock and awe. The duel ended in a bright explosion of artillery raining down upon the enemy, leaving them all stunned. "T-this amount of power...! Did it really come from that pathetic teacher's dorm?!" Masaru stammered out, a mix of fear and anger palpable in his voice. Hyou merely laughed it off even as the other two shared the same amount of bewilderment. "I'd start worrying more about the Fire dorm if I were you," he nonchalantly teased the top student of his dorm, who was too stunned to glare back at Hyou.