[h1][center][color=f49ac2][b]Momoiro[/b][/color][/center][/h1] Momoiro smiles as the festivities continue for the rest of the ceremony before the Captain General busts into the room. His cloak was tattered and it looked like he had just gotten back from some kind of combat. That didn't look good and her instincts go on high alert. Her eyes dart back and forth as if scanning the area for danger. Her heart beats a little faster than she would like as she begins to sweat not unlike how she did in her dream last night.[color=f49ac2][i] I really hope that isn't a bad sign. [/i][/color] She is handed a small piece of parchment with her graduation information on it. Not that she was looking forward to the whole ceremony but at the same time she felt it was a little cheap to just be tossed the paper for graduation. Back in Japan this would have been sacrilege. Opening up the letter by tearing the seal she makes a small audible gasp. [hr][center][b] Momoiro Prodigy 005 Division 14[/b][/center][hr] Tilting her head to the side slightly she is confused for just a moment. [color=f49ac2][i]Guess they will be renaming it the ghotei 14 now.[/i][/color] She thought as she saw the x on the map. She was able to ascertain rather quickly what that meant and rolled the parchment up and stored it into her pocket. [color=f49ac2][b]"Ciao then. See you lot there."[/b][/color] She winks at them and shunpo's away to the new destination. She spots [@jynmi88] just as the door opens revealing the assistant for 12th company. She catches the tail end of her explanation and extrapolates the rest. She waits patiently as the others arrive shortly after.