[center][img]http://image.ibb.co/jqpW4n/derrick.png[/img][/center] Derrick stood a moment looking at the blinking light on his terminal while putting on his pants. He glanced at the clock next to his bed; 6:35 AM. [color=00aeef][b]"Who would have contacted me before seven?"[/b][/color] He thought aloud. His employer made it clear to all the members that Derrick operates from 7:00AM to Midnight, and not to attempt to contact him during off hours. With that Derrick ignored the light for the time being and made his way to the kitchen where he started a pot of coffee and grabbed the leftover steak from the fridge. Popping the steak into the microwave Derrick returned to the fridge briefly to grab a couple eggs and began to fry them while the steak heated and the coffee finished. Now with his plate and mug in hand he proceeded to the terminal where the blinking light was beckoning like a worried fairy. Opening the message he found it was about his current job, and that his client wanted to meet with some new development that pushed up the timeline. He sighed as he navigated to the news that he would read while he finished his meal. Stepping out of the apartment he was given for the assignment, Derrick could feel on the morning air that it was going to be hot. There was very little humidity, and the wind was almost non-existent in the inner parts of Korven making even the shaded parts of town uncomfortably warm, even in the morning hours. walking a few blocks into the more metropolitan area Derrick contacted his client via his cellphone. "Why didn't you contact me earlier?" His client asked annoyed rather then a normal greeting. [color=00aeef][b]"You said you had [i]Deadline[/i] information?"[/b][/color] Derrick asked flatly, ignoring the man's question. "Wha- You li-." A grunt of dissatisfaction followed. "The rabble it planning something rash. The apartment where the mark is staying is one of the target locations for said 'demonstration', and could prove to make it easier." [color=00aeef][b]"What is the catch?"[/b][/color] Derrick was now in an supermarket perusing the alcohol scanning the tops of the low shelves before resting on his mark at where he normally was at this time. "You see, the demonstration is today, around noon, and your mark has-" [color=00aeef][b]"A meeting with his under-boss."[/b][/color] Derrick cut the man off. "Wait, the under-boss?" The man sounded confused. "That is not what our source said. He is supposed to meet with an envoy." [color=00aeef][b]"It was last minute, I assume."[/b][/color] Derrick was now back on the street tailing his mark. [color=00aeef][b]"He picked up a $350 bottle of wine, and two $235 bottles of champagne."[/b][/color] "Well, he must be doing well. Anyway, That is the situation. He has already rented out a high-end condo for the evening. Make sure he doesn't get there. If he gets this promotion it could spell trouble." [color=00aeef][b]"Affirmative, over and out."[/b][/color] Derrick hung-up his phone and continued to tail the mark Derrick's mark this time around was a middle management gang member by the name of Theodore Larson, or Theo as he is known by the other gang members, and is in charge of training new members of the fast rising small time gang. He is an ex-martial arts instructor who was fired after being charged with two accounts of murder, and one attempted murder with a deadly weapon. It was after a tournament he lost that he felt he was cheated by the judging panel; he killed two of the judges with his bare hands, and went after the one other with a kendo stick. Derrick was here to stop Theo from getting the promotion to Lead Military Trainer for the gang. It would make toppling them a lot harder due to his training abilities and that he would then be spending most of his time in militarized locations making him a near impossible target. Now armed with the new information Derrick knew that he would have to take on the mark in a way he hated most; in his own home. Trying to kill a mark in this way was like trying to kill a man in a castle he has constructed. You can scout all you want and think that you know the place, but there is always something that only the tenant knows. It was hard, but not impossible. Tailing Theo for a little longer Derrick formulated a plan for taking him down incorporating the [i]demonstration[/i] that was to take place. This was double edged sword for Derrick, in the fact that he wouldn't have to clean up the evidence too much as it would all be taken care of, but also that he had to somehow get the mark back to his apartment before it happened in just a few hours. Breaking off from the mark Derrick began to head to Theo's place to get his plan into motion, and ready himself for what he assumed would be a challenging fight. Heading to a more upbeat area of Korven Derrick made his was to the fourth floor of an apartment building where Theo resided. Upon exiting the elevator Derrick could tell that something wasn't right. Two people hurriedly entered the elevator before he could get out, bumping into him as the did so, while three men fit to be bouncers stared at Derrick with a gaze that told him to drop dead or leave as the stood by Theo's door. [color=00aeef][i]I think we had this info all wrong.[/i][/color] Derrick thought to himself as the glaring man began to walk towards him down the hallway. He could hear two more people throwing things around in what sounded like Theo's place making them a total of five, as the one bouncer was closing the distance between him and Derrick he raised his hand in a pointing gesture behind Derrick. [b][color=red]"Hold the elevator, this guy is on the wrong-"[/color][/b] He stopped short, eyes narrowed as Derrick moved quickly against him. The man reached for his side where he had a .40 caliber holstered, but wasn't fast enough as Derrick's K-bar slipped silently underneath his rib-cage, through his diaphragm, and into his lung, probably poking his heart a little as well. The big man let out a bloody grunt as he slowly looked down at the knife then back to Derrick. [b][color=00aeef]"Oh, you were so close..."[/color][/b] The other two men were standing at attention guns drawn. The now wounded man tried to yell back to them, but Derrick twisted the knife as he reached for the man's gun. The elevator let out a faint [i]ding[/i] as the doors closed and the elevator began moving. [b][color=00aeef]"I don't think you need this anymore."[/color][/b] Pointing under the cover of the man's jacket he fired a shot. "Boss, whats-" [i]BANG[/i] The shot hit right in the center of his collar bone, spraying his buddy with blood who was unfazed as he opened fire. Derrick used the first guy as a meat shield, knife still in him as he grunted and gasped for breath. as the steady shots came out three landing the his meat shields back, two in his leg, one grazed his head, and two missing down the hall. The two men in the room could be heard cursing as they tried to find out what was going on, and the last man in the hall dropped his mag to reload. [i][color=00aeef]So they are using compacts, only eight shots. Good to know.[/color][/i] Shoving off his meat shield the man fell like a dead pig from a meat hook as Derrick, now more then acceptably blood covered fired two more shots into the upper chest of the last standing bouncer who fell in much the same fashion as he partner. Hearing the other two stack against Theo's door, Derrick laid down with the first bouncer he killed with his knife half laying on top of him. There was a moment of silence as the smell of blood and gun smoke hung in the air of the hall. [i]BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG.[/i] eight shots came through the wall into the hallway, four near the door and four at more of an angle towards the elevator before the two men rushed from the room back to back guns drawn. [i][color=00aeef]Really, your going to make it that easy?[/color][/i] Derrick thought as he cocked his head, raised his arm catching a surprised look on the face of the man facing him before letting out a single shot through the man's throat and into his partner behind him. They both dropped, bits of brain, skull, and blood spattering the walls. Derrick rolled the man off of him and rose to a kneeling position to retrieve his knife. The man groaned lightly as the knife exited his chest cavity.[b][color=00aeef]"Resilient shithead aren't you?"[/color][/b] Grabbing the man's extra two mags he Derrick stood and fired one more round into the man before reloading. carefully stepping over the bodies Derrick began to peer into the room. Everything was a mess, papers all over the floor, boxes thrown about, it looked like a hurricane came through, minus the gun smoke creeping in from the hall. Satisfied with what he saw Derrick slowly entered the room to have a look at what was going on. [i][color=00aeef]Odd that they would send a group like this to his place when they know he wouldn't be here. What were they-[/color][/i] Then is clicked, He Theo made an unplanned trip to the market to buy wine and champagne. He knew he was going, because he had been tailing him. [i][color=00aeef]These guys were sent out today meaning they wanted to escort him?[/color][/i] Slowly the pieces were coming together confirmed when he got a sudden text alert from his client and some pictures on Theo's coffee table. [i]John D.: The boss just got into the area. Looks like our intel was off. He brought with him two kill squads. [color=00aeef]Tim J.: Yeah it looks like he is here as a show of dominance. I found some really nice pictures of the bosses girl here in Teddy's place.[/color] John D.: Never play around with another man's girl. My accountant will contact you shortly. You know how this goes? [color=00aeef]Tim J.: Yeah, untouched is only 70%. Signing out.[/color][/i] Derrick grabbed a rag from the counter, wiped off the gun, and placed it into the oven. He then set the oven to 450 and wiped down the oven where he touched it then through the rag in as well closing the oven door with his foot. He made his way to the stares walking down and out of the complex. After walking a few blocks he could hear a muffled explosion in the distance and as he turned and saw a plume of smoke from where he was. looking on with indifference he shortly continued his trek back to his temporary place where he was greeted with an email about his job. Derrick, thank you for your services and aid in the Safety Division. Your recent visit to our newly opened hotel in Korven was most insightful as well as greatly appreciated. We hope that your job continues to help save the lives of many citizens as safety is a top priority for all of our locations and services. Safety Inspection Account Payable _____________________________________________________________ Travel/Meal Reimbursement - - - $10,000.00 Inspection rate of $550.00/hr for 4 days of 10 hour shifts - - - $22,000.00 Tools Required - - - $600.00 Safety changes/Manual labor - - - $2,400.00 Amount paid - - - $35,000.00 The leftover total amount payable for the service provided has been transferred to the company account as requested. Thank you, Chris L. Packing up his terminal, handgun, and other odds and ends he brought Derrick went over his check list once more before putting on a clean jacket and heading out. At the door there was a cab waiting for him manned by a member of the Unseen per usual after a travel job was finished, but Derrick didn't get into the car. Derrick through his bag into the back seat and leaned on the open window of the passenger side. [b][color=00aeef]"Take this to the loft."[/color][/b] He looked around as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a locker key and a wad of cash, tossing it to the driver.[b][color=00aeef]"I will pick it up from there."[/color][/b] "You got it, have a good one my man." The driver then drove off as Derrick turned and walked the other way. Pulling out his phone He flipped through his contacts all under sudo names. He stopped on the one titled [b][color=yellow]Jo[/color][/b] the contact said last text was over two weeks ago. [color=00aeef][i]Hey, hows it going? what are you up to?[/i][/color] [@Cleverbird] [right] Personal Account: $90,391.00 || Offshore: $12,783,892.00[/right]