Ooh look another Rogue. [hider=Hiroko the Actor] [center][color=f26522][h1][u]H I R O K O[/u][/h1][/color] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/6012/f/2015/260/c/f/fruits_basket_oc_by_shadowfollowed-d99xihe.jpg[/img] [color=f26522][b]“I find it funny when people claim that they know me - the real me. I don't think they're aware that there [i]is[/i] no 'real' me.”[/b][/color][/center] [color=f26522][sub][u]N A M E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Ikazuchi Hiroko[/list] [color=f26522][sub][u]A G E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]21[/list] [color=f26522][sub][u]G E N D E R[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Female[/list] [color=f26522][sub][u]R O L E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Rogue[/list] [color=f26522][sub][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/u][/sub][/color] [list]If one word can describe Hiroko, it's the word 'actress'. She can change almost in an instant depending on who she's interacting with. Interacting with her on the job would yield a rather polite, if a little sarcastic, woman who would be willing to help you. A rather apt personality from when you're a waitress. Personally, Hiroko tends to reflect who she interacts with to a certain degree. Cheerful and childish, she would respond with a joyful personality. Calm and collected, she would respond with a level-headed comment. She can form opinions of her own, yes, but she tends to take the personality of who she's with into consideration to make hers. Alone, however, she's pretty much the same as the previous personality she dons. Though she doesn't do much alone, except for reading whatever she can get her hands on - so there isn't really much to judge on. [/list] [color=f26522][sub][u]C O N C E P T[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Born and raised in a poor family, it was a wonder how Hiroko managed to get all the way to High school before dropping out as she graduated. Yes, the irony of her name was not lost in her - and she does make a joke out of it; a little bit of self-depreciating joke never hurt anyone. Her parents weren't all that good. With an alcoholic mother and an always absent father, Hiroko was bound to get a future that wasn't too bright. Her mother ignored her most of the time and her father was speculated to be the one to pay for everything. And honestly, she stopped caring after second grade. She tried to be an optimistic young child - dreaming up of grand things once she graduated from college and began her life as an adult. Her friends were cheering her on. Though, as one would expect from having an alcoholic mother, those friends were very numbered. What she did have an abundance of was bullies. Having no parents to defend her, and the teachers rarely caring, she was subjected to their torture. She was unsure when she actually gained the ability to reflect, but she does guess it was around this time. It was funny, really. How everything in her life actually got worse, when she thought it couldn't get any worse than that. Her father lost his job and promptly ran away from the family. Her mother was thrown into jail for breaking into a liquor store to get some drinks. And Hiroko? Off to child services for her. However, she continued going to school thanks to some philantropist's goodwill. Once she finished highschool, hitting the age of eighteen, she was let go from child services and out of the orphanage. Thrown into a merciless world without parents to support her, the government left her, and only a highschool diploma, the future was rather bleak. And it didn't get much better. Getting a job as a waitress to try and save up money for her own needs, and hopefully college. It had been years, and a silver lining still wasn't in sight. A person with no better future to look forward to. You could even say she had nothing to lose, aside from her clothes and small apartment room which had nothing but a mattress and a desk. Rather curious what would happen to someone like this when you thrust a person who had nothing into a place where she was tasked to save it - no matter the fact that it was a mistake in the first place. A nice exploration of a character who would actually get something for herself that wasn't food, clothing or a roof above her head. And a goal in life. Something to do. What better way to break someone out of their bland everyday lives than throwing them into another world? Plans for her is to evolve into something that is herself, and to find a goal to work towards to. One can can akin that she would be on a road to self-discovery. Something she hasn't found in her entire life. [/list] [/hider]