[hr][center][color=slategray][b][h1]Harry Kingsfield[/h1] [IMG]http://www.oystermag.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article-image-650x580/images/dale-cooper-i-only-have-time.png[/IMG] Location:[/b][/color] B&B[/center][hr][hr] Harry lied half-dressed in the hotel bed, staring up at the ceiling. What time was it? It was some time in the day, way later than he'd normally be up. Anything more than that would require moving, and while he was fully capable of doing so, his body felt like 5 pound weights had been strategically placed under his skin all over, and while 5 lbs didn't seem like a lot, a bunch of them evenly distributed across the body certainly was. The last thing he remembered was driving in from the reservation and it had gotten quite late by the time he had arrived. Something in the back of his head told him that his lack of a proper sleep schedule and abuse of caffeine had caught up to him. Everything felt awful. His mouth was dry and his tongue had taken a furry texture on its surface. His eyelids felt heavy and the orbs underneath ached. Furthermore, up and down he felt all sorts of kinks and aches that he swore weren't there when he'd passed out. After laying in a stew of unpleasantry for what felt like hours, but was really a few minutes, Harry managed to gather the willpower to get up out of the bed and get on with his day. Still in his half dressed state, he walked over to his notebook and flipped through it. He'd felt as if he'd exhausted all he could from the reservation over the past five days, at least with the limited amount of information he had available to him at the time. If he had more, perhaps he'd be able to get more than one person to act helpfully, but as of now, that was a dead end. He still had a couple of other locations to check out, so one of those would be his target. The so-called Johnson House might still be occupied, so that other house seemed like the next best place to check. With his course of action decided, Harry got properly dressed for the day to come and headed to the front of the building. There was a busy day ahead of him, but he wasn't going to leave immediately. His stomach was grumbling and it said it wanted breakfast, and who was he to tell it no. As he mentally prepared himself to eat, a horrifying though occurred to him. Were they still selling breakfast? Did he oversleep through the best meal of the day? Hopefully not, but that was to be seen when he got to the dining room.