[center] [b] Jeremy Hart [/b] [/center] The situation... might be more dire than Jeremy had previously thought. If the White Rabbit was truthful, and no matter how intricate his dreams had a right to be, they wouldn't create this. He still wasn't convinced, but maybe this was more real than a simple dream. The notion of not being able to leave, was far more impactful than the Rabbit telling them that the P3 kids had all been abducted into this "wonderland". Feeling any sense of duty to save those without power, was a weakness. The only thing of importance was that he got back to his own body, if the Rabbit was telling the truth of course. In which case the quickest way may not be helping them, maybe that "potential" could prove another way out as well. One of them turning into a younger smaller version and the back and forth with the Rabbit indicated something like the mind, and especially the subconscious was the stronger forces in this place. The younger man on the bench turned out to have one of the strongest opinions for the Rabbit, one that Jeremy could understand, but saw no profit from pusruing, the "shadow in their midst" as it were currently held all the cards, it would be better to gain more knowledge on the possibilities open for them. But then again, not everyone could be as calm and collected as himself, Jeremy thought as he brushed off some dust from his suit. [color=ed145b]Now now everyone, if the situation is as dire as our host says, there has to be some plan or they woldn't have brought us here now rather than later. Mr Rabbit?[/color] Jeremy said. All those talking about their divided station were right, they had to unite or group firmly before any steps forward could properly be taken. He would wake up.