[hr][hr][center][img]https://s2.postimg.cc/9u4ekd45l/darke.png[/img][hr][img]https://s13.postimg.cc/bqokv8vef/ezgif-2-aec9dbc0b0.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@mnkee][@LadyRunic][@Dragoknighte][@KazAlkemi][@jdh97][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][color=10A133][b]Present Day - The Castle: December 21st, 12,507 - 10:00 AM [/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][@jdh97][@BlueSky44]: Puck excused himself with a bow, before heading towards the message rat line in the Palace. He knew the way. There was a small golden bell tied to a chain and once run, it would summon an express rat from message rat headquarters instantly, free of charge. Couriers simply weren't efficient enough nor as reliable as a message rat. The herald nodded before heading towards the guards, who parted ways and allowed the witches to enter. "That's more like it," Jadis said with a smirk, before leading the way into the Palace. By her walk, you would think that it was the day Jadis was going to be crowned Queen of the Castle rather than Valda. It wasn't long until she made her way to the throne room and saw Valda, beaming brightly at her. Her eyes flickered towards Valda's hand and widened for a moment, noticing the lack of the ring. Had Valda declined her brother's proposal? "Little Valda, it warms my heart to see you once more on this Winter Solstice Day. It has been too long since we were together last, my child." [@LadyRunic]: Although Rhys' [b]Magyk[/b] was exact, it had no influence on Tom. Whatever [b]Magyk[/b] had such a hold on Tom's mind refused to allow Rhys' influence to overtake the boy. It was an unintended defense mechanism and meant that the apprentice kept rocking back and forth in the corner, causing the head messenger rat to give Rhys an evil eye. His message had already been dispatched and they had accepted the payment. But it was clear from her stare that if he didn't get Tom out of there in the next few seconds, he was going to be blacklisted from the messenger rat headquarters. Tom let out a shudder before he began to speak, turning to stare Rhys dead in the eye. [i]"Chop chop, Sweet Charlotte. Chop chop til he's dead. Chop chop, Sweet Charlotte. Chop off his hand and head,"[/i] Tom whispered. His green eyes seemed to pulse black for a moment before returning to their normal coloring. [@KazAlkemi]: "Perhaps a fine mead," Rowland said with a twinkle in his eye before laughing gently. He always found the brews from the Land of Long Nights to be the best he had ever had in all his travels. Rowland looked over the various pieces that Cuyler produced with curiosity. He didn't imagine that Arya ever wore necklaces - the amulet tended to be the only necklace most ExtraOrdinary Wizards wore for good reason. To ever be without it would be akin to suicide. And although Rowland and Yule hadn't exchanged a single word between them, their minds were both thinking the same things. "It's almost impossible to choose just one," Rowland admitted. "But perhaps the ring," Rowland decided. Yule nodded in agreement. Rowland quickly paid him, looking at the fortress the tower had transformed into with a frown. It didn't bode well at all. He knew that from the security that just appeared, there would be no visitors admitted to the tower. Only wizards would be able to enter. "I am afraid you are right, my dear boy. The charm - please do keep it on you," Rowland then smiled kindly at him, before he and Yule grasped arms. In a moment, they performed a [b]Transport[/b] spell, vanishing from Cuyler's sight. [@Nallore]: Snaera shot an icy glare at Peter as Luna mentioned having seen him before, to which Peter could only nod curtly. He had returned to the Castle to visit his family a few years back and at the time, his youngest cousin had grown quite close with Myrus and Luna. Luna won't be able to recall exactly why Peter had left the Castle and abandoned the coveted ExtraOrdinary Apprenticeship, unfortunately. Snaera remained silent, seemingly not having any requests at the moment. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#9B30FF]Arya Rincewind[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s9.postimg.cc/6tuc8047j/tumblr_inline_mh9g18863_U1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][color=#9B30FF][b]Location:[/b][/color] Wizard Tower - Great Hall[/center][hr] Just as Atkin arrived at Wizard Tower with his captive, two wizards [b]Appeared[/b] in front of him. One was Arya's right hand man, Jarvis Yule - another ex-ExtraOrdinary Apprentice. He was easily the best Ordinary Wizard in the Castle - among the living ones, at any rate. The other was someone that Atkin likely would not have met before or seen - Blaise Rowland, Arya's mentor and ExtraOrdinary Wizard before her. Rowland didn't recognize Atkin, yet as Yule turned to look over his shoulder he spotted the apprentice - and the apprentice's friend. "Atkin, what is that?" Yule asked cautiously. Rowland turned to look as well and his eyes widened, recognizing the creature from his travels. "Yule, Atkin, be careful," Rowland warned them. He was surprised that Atkin had managed to wrestle a Grula-Grula. They were notorious for being particularly difficult to manage and the only defense wizards had managed to come up with over the centuries was to compliment them. If the Grula-Grula thought they were a guest of extreme honor, they became more compliant - and then could easily be put on a barge to take them as far away from the Castle as possible. Somewhere in the Pyramid Library, Rowland was certain there was a copy of a particular poem of praise that seemed to have the most effect on these creatures. "Oh great Grula-Grula, I, Blaise Rowland, most humbly welcome you to the Castle and invite you into Wizard Tower as a guest of extreme honor," Rowland said, giving the creature a sweeping bow. Arya could hear the unlikely group of four, frowning for a moment as she opened the doors to Wizard Tower and stepped outside. She looked at the Grula-Grula with confusion, yet as she saw Rowland she couldn't help but brighten into a big smile. [color=#9B30FF]"Impeccable timing as always, Rowland,"[/color] Arya said. [color=#9B30FF]"Someone has decided to reinstate the [b]Queste[/b]."[/color] (Atkin's message rat will arrive this round - see LadyRunic's post for the message). [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=7bcdc8]Nera Hawthorn[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s9.postimg.cc/9cg18nv2n/giphy-30.gif[/img][hr][color=7bcdc8][b]Location:[/b][/color] Port Witch Coven House[/center][hr] Nera headed back up the stairs, noting Malekith's forced look of concern for Fleur. The very thought of it made her laugh slightly - as if Fleur would need anyone's concern or worry. She was the Port Witch Coven Witch Mother for a reason. If she was the sort that would get injured in an encounter with a fat old drunk, then she wasn't fit for her position. As they headed down the halls, Nera heard a crash from downstairs, followed by some panicked cursing - and then silence once more. One of the pupils must have been practicing her potions, Nera mused. Once upstairs, Nera's mind began contemplating potential plans. She had already proposed [b]CradleSnatching[/b] the Princess-in-Waiting to Fleur. She doubted that it would be particularly difficult. Sure, there were some powerful [b]Reverses[/b] that could undo the action, but not many members of the Royal Family actually knew them from what she recalled. It was primarily the Queen who had those things committed to memory and if she wasn't around - well, then it would already be far too late. [color=7bcdc8]"It shouldn't be too hard to gain admittance to the ceremonies. The entire Castle was invited, as well as dozens of political allies across the world,"[/color] Nera summarized. [color=7bcdc8]"It'd be impractical for them to check everyone's invitation and I doubt they have physical descriptions of us on hand. Unless, of course, you think otherwise Malekith?"[/color] Nera asked. She knew that Fleur had wanted to consult his expertise on this matter. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ff0000]Myrus Silvers[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s9.postimg.cc/42b2h1xvj/tumblr_inline_naz1rpis_Mx1qce4fj.gif[/img][hr][color=ff0000][b]Location:[/b][/color] Servants Quarters --> the Crypt - The Palace[/center][hr] Asha did not return Lyra's blush, however, she did give her a confident smile. While some would have been deeply offended by the stare of a servant, it didn't seem to bother Asha in the slightest. She was similar to Myrus in that way - the divides of social classes did not appear to impact her behavior. In fact, Asha seemed to take a bit of an interest in Lyra. "You are from...the Land of Long Nights, no?" Asha conjectured. "Very few know this, but that is the birthplace of [b]Magyk[/b]," Asha added with a bit of a wink. Myrus hesitated for a moment, before nodding. His expression had become rather grim. [color=ff0000]"Of course - please, follow me,"[/color] Myrus said, his voice barely audible. He was still rather choked up about his mother's death. Emperor Taj bowed his head in a show of thanks before following Myrus out of Lyra's room. "Do come with us," Asha beckoned. "My brother is ever the stoic - but I need not tell you that - yet if he is right, something remarkable may be about to happen..." Asha paused for a moment. "We may be able to uncover the fate of your queen, using a jewel from Odin's treasure room." She then swept out of the room and followed Myrus and Taj. They were headed towards the lower level of the Castle, where the family crypt was kept. Royals had been buried there for generations. A special [b]Magyk[/b] allowed the entranceway to it to be concealed from all who were not blood relatives to them, yet Myrus took the hands of each person, ferrying them across the barrier until they were all inside the crypt. [color=ff0000]"Mother is there,"[/color] Myrus said softly, pointing towards a casket set on an ornate table. There was an uncomfortable aura coming from it - yet to Lyra, it will perhaps seem familiar.