[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/C4njhfP.png[/img] [/center] [sup][@FernStone][/sup] [b][code]Grand Ridge - Justin's Dorm.[/code][/b][hr] Huh... another dream, huh? If Justin was more spiritual, he'd probably say that the dreams had a deeper meaning. Though, dreams are based off of subconscious desires, and innate knowledge - what part of his subconscious was he pulling this shit from? He got up out of the bed, and sat on the edge. God damn, he needed a smoke right now. He was wearing boxers, and a T-shirt, he sure as hell wasn't going to get far wearing all of this. He shook his head, he didn't have time for this. He made his way over to his laundry basket, and pulled out an old pair of sweat pants, throwing them on with sneakers. Right as he was about to run out the door, his phone [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg54V2JSedM] began to ring[/url], and he just remembered that he left it on the bed. Okay, he briefly wondered who in the hell would be calling him this early, and realized just who would when he saw caller ID. [b][code]Mom[/code][/b] Oh, it's her, Meifeng. Justin grabbed the phone, and answered it in Chinese, [i]"Hello, mother,"[/i] [i]"Oh, hello Justin,"[/i] Meifeng said, [i]"I'm calling to ask how you've been..."[/i] [i]"Everything has been going well, I believe,"[/i]Justin felt awkward as he replied, he knew the tone that his mother used when wanted something. It was quick, would keep formalities brief, and ask about what she wanted right afterwards. "[i]Doesn't sound like it,[/i]" Meifeng said as bluntly as Justin knew of it, "[i]Are you getting an adequate amount of sleep? Is everything okay since what happened?[/i]" "[i]I can't say yes...[/i]" Justin said as he wiped a hand across his face. He really couldn't say yes... the sights of what happened, and almost getting murdered by that nurse - especially the fact that he practically killed her in self defense. He felt a bit justified given that she was trying to kill them, and she ended up killing herself... but, those just felt like flimsy reasons to avoid facing the real problem. He yawned. The guilt was starting to creep up on him since the months that went by. He's been avoiding social interaction to the best of his abilities, and just trying to focus on his classes. [i]"That town is not safe,"[/i] Meifeng bluntly said. "[i]First... then what happened at the camp. That town is going to kill you![/i]" Meifeng said, slowly losing her composure with every word. [i]Avoiding bringing up her, aren't we?[/i] Justin thought to himself. It was true, he'd rather not mention what happened here just a few months ago. Which was why he couldn't spend one more moment in that house. Even though there was nothing stopping him from staying there... there was just something stopping him from even going near there. Which was why it rests, the physical reminder of something that Justin would rather not face right now. [i]"Whatever this town's got,"[/i] Justin confidently said, "[i]I can take it.[/i]" Meifeng went silent for a moment... and Justin considered asking her what was even wrong. [i]"Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer, Justin,"[/i] Meifeng flatly said, devoid of all emotion, "You won't realize that it even killed you until it's too late." For a moment, he contemplated what she said, [i]"Alright... but, I'm staying in Grand Ridge until I graduate..."[/i] He said. He, deep down, wanted to get the hell out of this town, but there was the mystery of what happened to his grandmother on his mind. He wanted to get to the bottom of what happened to her before leaving this helltown behind - or else the lingering guilt of not doing enough would haunt him forever. [i]"Fine,"[/i] Meifeng started off, "[i]But I'll have you know that Katie is worried about you, too.[/i]" She said, before saying, "[i]I'll talk to you later.[/i]" "[i]You too,[/i]" Justin said, before they both hung up the phone. Justin really wanted to get to the bottom of what the hell was going on in this town... he got up and moved over to his bathroom, and turned around, looking at his shoulder. He saw the weird ass tattoo that he had on his shoulder. One with the upper half of a phoenix, and lower half of a tiger. Did he get fucking drunk again? Because he never got another tattoo in his memory. Though, it brought to mind that weird flaming tiger that samed Claire. What in the world was that...? He stomped his foot, and shook his head. God damn it. Camp slaughter had driven him not only to alcoholism, but also insanity. Right now, he just... actually, maybe he would skip smoking. Or do something before smoking. After all, he has an hour or two before class. There was somebody he needed to talk with. He took a brief glance at his phone, and saw that Tuyen hadn't replied to a single one of his text messages or phone calls. Great. Even though she's just a... ruse, more or less, he still cared about her well-being, and how she was handling the incident at the camp. The urge to be a good person, overtook the urge to smoke, as he quickly went out the door to the female dorms. Boys were "soft-banned" from this section of the school, as in the staff (and some of the gals) didn't want a bunch of boys wandering around the girl's dorm. But, he knew Tuyen's exact dorm room - and he was greeted with a less than welcome sight - Min, and he looked less than thrilled. Still... there was no need to escalate things. "Heeey, Min," Justin said, "Funny seeing you here..." [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/X7zKc5z.png[/img] [/center] [sup][@Prosaic][/sup] [b][code]Grand Ridge Academy - The Hallway to the Male Dorms.[/code][/b][hr] [i]"Nice tattoo, [b]faggot![/b]"[/i] Martin heard the words coming from behind him, before he felt the massive arm of Hagan Rosefey wrapping around his neck. Martin was one of his favorite targets, especially since he was so small and gay that he made it easy! He gave Martin's little tattoo a heavy poke, before taunting him with, "I thought a little faggot would never be able to go through with it." He laughed, "I'm proud of you, I really am." Hagan laughed, before he opened a supply closet, and shoved him inside, before saying, "Try gettin' it off with this!" [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pzvcW5L.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/f4XE2MO.png[/img] [/center] [sup][@FernStone][/sup] [b][code]Grand Ridge Academy - The Showers.[/code][/b][hr] Rien's approach definitely wasn't noticed - just a little harder to notice - given that the female showers were small, and they were frantic as people were fleeing the building in fear because of the fire alarm. Kimberly turned towards her, and raised an eyebrow at the mosshead - it was unexpected that they were being approached in the shower of all places, of all times, but she had a simple answer to her question. "I hope it's some idiot with fireworks," Kimberly answered, "I can't take anymore stupid bullshit!" She hissed. "I'm tired of people interfering with my classes..." "We should probably get out of here," Jordan said, loudly over the sounds of girls fleeing the bathroom, "Ya'll hear the fire alarm? There could be a huge fire in here!"