ANYWAY GUYS If you're wondering why I'm so insistent on using random terrain for the empty planet (and if you didn't know that I am, well, I am), here's why. Forgive the equirectangular projection. [hider=Elevation and water map] [img][/img] [/hider] In my opinion, the only distinctive geographical features that developed on the blank Mk. II Galbar map were the Shalanoir region, the upper curve of the Ironhearts surrounding the Mahd basin (Venomweald/Firewind/Mangrove), and the updated Mesathalassa and upper Metatic. [i]Everything else was just massive blobs.[/i] Meanwhile, look at this thing! It has straits, isthmuses, islands, plateaus, inland seas large and small, more than enough ocean to navigate and land to explore. It even has one of those mythical ring-shaped mountain ranges everyone loves so much! Given the extent to which gods can changed landmasses even with the nerfs I'm working into the OP, there's still plenty of room to make everything you want, but even the spaces you don't hand-craft still have shape and character. And we can settle on a scale for the planet, to boot, so people can actually get a vague idea of how large all these things are. So yeah. Randomly generated land-and-water maps for me please.